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Loss of Shooting because i simply cannot abide greedy T****


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I dont know if anyone else has experienced this but....


Ive recently given up shooting on two quite large farms in my local area because a another certain individual takes it upon himself to go anywhere he pleases and irrespective of where l'm shooting you can gaurentee he'll turn up in the next field making an almighty racket (shooting) and doesn't think twice about driving around the tracks beeping and (obviously looking for the best sport) wrecking my afternoons out.


Last summer a farmer where we have both got permission pulled me up and had strong words with me laying down the law on when and where my back-side would end up if l didn't stop driving across his land (scaring his cattle) at night when shooting out the window! I politely as possible informed the farmer that l never shoot anywhere without first making a call/calling in to make people aware of my presence, he appologised and asked if l knew who it was, l simply said ' Its not my place but if you drink in the Crown in Gawcott or the Cookoo's Nest you soon hear of someone boasting about their night sport'.


Needless to say he kept his permission - and the tiresome behaviour has continued since. Then two weeks ago a friend invited me to shoot on a large estate near us - all arable and lots of pigeons, low and behold he turned up (outside our hide - on foot) - informing us both he'd be given permission. Again afternoon wasted as we watched him trawl up a track deep onto the land and not half an hour later the banging started. Writing this now i'm that angry not just for me but now for my mate it makes my blood boil. Speaking to various people in the area it would seem that farmers put up with him because 'he been around a while' and has been a local resident since a child.


I'm absolutely shocked at some peoples greed. I've spoken to the two farmers and said that i'm not being funny or ackward but l simply wont shoot there anymore, given my reason and left it at that. I'm in my late twenties and this guy in in his mid fifties. His son (a drunk who got his licence taken off of him for threatening behaviour) Can often be seen driving around on a saturday afternoon trawling the area watching the birds and moving them on by car horn or by simply walking across the field.


I'm gutted absolutely gutted.

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I reckon you did the right thing - at the end of the day, shooting is meant to be a relaxing and stimulating sport, a good way to spend your free time. Having an arrogant muppet, with scant regard for the countryside or private property, ruin your sport is no fun. It may not seem like it right now, but there are more fish in the sea. Another permission will come up.


I share my permissions with a few other blokes, and although we sometimes tread on each other's toes, all of us are very grateful for the permission, and respectful of the land and the landowner's wishes.

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My father who shot all the land before me, and now comes along for a walk said that 'years ago' he was exactly the same, and a few fellas who had set a shoot near us on a small patch of land invited people to join their sindicate, he did and whilst the blokes were at home over xmas shot all of the ducks on their pond (and well frightened the rest off) he then denied it was him until he was caught selling the prepared ducks in the pub! Promply disbanded and given a strong warning (Not all us are forgiving!) to which l was then told by someone else that he went out and shot all of the phesants at night - completely riuning the shoot. Well known by all locally for this by the older generations, the giving up of the land was my fathers advice as it would have come to blows and l / my friend would have come off the worst no doubt.


After talking to the misus and working out finances i've pretty much made the decision to break my own rule of permission and to try to buy a shooting lease and try again somewhere new. Even concidering stalking - Scotland is quite sparsely populated!!

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I dunno, you should have stuck it out - you appear to have cut your nose off to spite your face.


**** shooting is better than no shooting.


The farmers would have probably got fed up with this fella given time - if one farmer was prepared to kick your **** over night time shooting & driving (which wasn't you) the least the farmer should then consider is withdrawing the other fella's permission (and then kicking his ****).


Sometimes it's the old boy network - if the farmers grew up with this fella and they are of a similar age they will always have something in common and you will be on the outside.


If this chap is as cavalier as you say he'll trip up.

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I think you're probably right, they are all about the same age, and because its quite a small community including the local town (where they would have schooled) everyone knows everyone.




I've stuck it out for almost 8 years and to be honest i'm a fighter like yourself! But i've simply got to the point where its a case of walk away otherwise it'll end in trouble..

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I dunno, you should have stuck it out - you appear to have cut your nose off to spite your face.


**** shooting is better than no shooting.


The farmers would have probably got fed up with this fella given time - if one farmer was prepared to kick your **** over night time shooting & driving (which wasn't you) the least the farmer should then consider is withdrawing the other fella's permission (and then kicking his ****).


Sometimes it's the old boy network - if the farmers grew up with this fella and they are of a similar age they will always have something in common and you will be on the outside.


If this chap is as cavalier as you say he'll trip up.




:lol: D2D

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I dunno, you should have stuck it out - you appear to have cut your nose off to spite your face.


**** shooting is better than no shooting.


The farmers would have probably got fed up with this fella given time - if one farmer was prepared to kick your **** over night time shooting & driving (which wasn't you) the least the farmer should then consider is withdrawing the other fella's permission (and then kicking his ****).


Sometimes it's the old boy network - if the farmers grew up with this fella and they are of a similar age they will always have something in common and you will be on the outside.


If this chap is as cavalier as you say he'll trip up.


got to agree ther mung.

the land i shoot and have done for the past 15 yrs or more went the same way through a cousin of mine doing the typical invited himself and his freinds in my abscence.but now nowhere to be seen now and i love it.

the only difference being i got ear ache from the farmer for taking him. never again permision is too hard to come by these days.

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I had a similar situation mate on one of the permissions i shoot there is a bloke who will turn up and start shooting regardless to what is around him last winter was sitting in the hide and heard a shot just down the hedge looked out of the hide there he is walking down the hedge shooting at rabbits. I still have permission to go on the farm but i have not bothered to go back all year but not only does it spoil it for me it makes it bloody dangerous cos you never new where this bloke was going to turn up.

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It is unfortunate that many people of those stamp are in the shooting world.


I have a similar problem a few years ago where a guy got permission alongside my brother who had the syndicate on a local farm.


He shot the place dry and everything was fair game, the whole area was totally useless as a shoot becuase out of spite he would even walk the area up on the morning of the shoot. So there you have it a group of guys who pay to be there and manage it- and a person who contributes naff all and the farmer lets him get away with it cos- 'He's alright I've known him for years'


We pulled off the shoot and fell out with the farmer as we had plenty elsewhere, and then three months afterwards the guy made a daft mistake of then venturing onto the next farm doing the same as he did to us with a resident sydicate shoot.


Rumour has it that while poaching one of the flight ponds at night, he fell in and was held under by the strong current and a house brick fell from a tree above resulting in serious injury.


The syndicate shoot was run by a local man who ran a business supplying door security to nightclubs.

As far as I am aware he promised the farmer he would step up vigilance on the land as it was thought travellers were to blame....................

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Outlaw - Thanks for the PM - i've replied~




Seems this isn't the only case of this type of 'arrogant practice' throughout the shooting community. For a younger bloke who l think was 'Mentored' or 'taught' the correct 'old' ways of the countryside and the correct/safe way to shoot it frustrates me and causes so much agro when you are 100% with farmers etc.


I was talking to another friend last night (arranging a day out miles away in a couple of weeks!) who has heard of him and said that he was with a shoot near silverstone with a load of lads from the Greens Norton / Towcester area - Shot the place dry, shot the morning and afternoon before they went in 'organised'. Apparently after slight altercation with the shoot cap - Doesn't shoot there anymore !


So is force the answer!! - doubt it and l cant be bothered to track him about the place making his life a misery - live and let live l say! (shame others dont think the same)


I'm planning to go knocking doors for a bit, and we'll see what happens. Appologies for ranting a bit! But you know how hard it is to get permission/and to keep hold of it with so many of us about!



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I dont know if anyone else has experienced this but....


Ive recently given up shooting on two quite large farms in my local area because a another certain individual takes it upon himself to go anywhere he pleases and irrespective of where l'm shooting you can gaurentee he'll turn up in the next field making an almighty racket (shooting) and doesn't think twice about driving around the tracks beeping and (obviously looking for the best sport) wrecking my afternoons out.


Last summer a farmer where we have both got permission pulled me up and had strong words with me laying down the law on when and where my back-side would end up if l didn't stop driving across his land (scaring his cattle) at night when shooting out the window! I politely as possible informed the farmer that l never shoot anywhere without first making a call/calling in to make people aware of my presence, he appologised and asked if l knew who it was, l simply said ' Its not my place but if you drink in the Crown in Gawcott or the Cookoo's Nest you soon hear of someone boasting about their night sport'.


Needless to say he kept his permission - and the tiresome behaviour has continued since. Then two weeks ago a friend invited me to shoot on a large estate near us - all arable and lots of pigeons, low and behold he turned up (outside our hide - on foot) - informing us both he'd be given permission. Again afternoon wasted as we watched him trawl up a track deep onto the land and not half an hour later the banging started. Writing this now i'm that angry not just for me but now for my mate it makes my blood boil. Speaking to various people in the area it would seem that farmers put up with him because 'he been around a while' and has been a local resident since a child.


I'm absolutely shocked at some peoples greed. I've spoken to the two farmers and said that i'm not being funny or ackward but l simply wont shoot there anymore, given my reason and left it at that. I'm in my late twenties and this guy in in his mid fifties. His son (a drunk who got his licence taken off of him for threatening behaviour) Can often be seen driving around on a saturday afternoon trawling the area watching the birds and moving them on by car horn or by simply walking across the field.


I'm gutted absolutely gutted.


All i can say Tommo noticing your location is not guilty This is interesting though is this local or not? Im not looking to muscle in it just that i shoot a couple of local places and it would be nice to now where this ***** operates

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Very annoying!


but don't be shy share your polite views with the farmer bearing in mind that if they don't shoot themselves then all they want is the pigeons off their land/crops so the profits are not being eaten, so it might fall on deaf ears.


Then spend your time visiting some new places where he is not connected, you will get some more permission but expect a few no's first


Good Luck



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The location guys is Gawcott, mile to the South of Buckingham. Very large estates around there, namely Faccenda's, Claydon Est. and one or two various others that start around there and lie towards the Bicester direction.


If anyone wants that T***s name please PM me - happy to give it that way.

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