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Is this true?


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Guest The Outlaw

True as far as I know but the sight of me wandering across a field carrying all my kit is enough of a scare tactic to stay inside the silly bunny hugging law. :unsure:



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It is true that all other means must have been tried before shooting. No longer is the shooting of Pigeon, corvid allowed for sporting purposes, but for crop protection and for the Health and safety of the general public.


Hmmm, I see the 10 wind assisted flashers, twin blade turbine props, kites, bangers and gas guns are really working on the four fields at the back of mine. NOT!!!


The only truly affective method is administered via a lead injection. Even falconry is only affective for the duration of the day being used. BoP can't and don't fly all day, whereas us crop protecting shooters are only too willing to get there before the crack of dawn (Who ever she is) and stay all day to ensure the crops are protected and to scare (Note I did not say shoot) the one and only pigeon in the parish from ever coming back again.



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This just in from the Government.


Jan 14th 2008 09:00 GMT


The Shooting Of Rabbits


All warrens must now be served with an Eviction order. The tennant (Rabbit) has 4 weeks in which to repsond to the eviction notice, if after this initial period the tennant (Rabbit) has not replied another eviction order must be issued, if after a further 4 weeks a response is not recoevied you can shoot the little blighters.


I tell you. This is what it's gonna come too :unsure:

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This just in from the Government.


Jan 14th 2008 09:00 GMT


The Shooting Of Rabbits


All warrens must now be served with an Eviction order. The tennant (Rabbit) has 4 weeks in which to repsond to the eviction notice, if after this initial period the tennant (Rabbit) has not replied another eviction order must be issued, if after a further 4 weeks a response is not recoevied you can shoot the little blighters.


I tell you. This is what it's gonna come too :lol:


Ah but its worse when you get squatters, they have more rights than the original rabbit occupiers :unsure: :lol:

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Yet another useless law cooked up by some pen pushing moron that thinks the countryside is there for just him to ramble across on a sunday afternoon, I suppose if the law is true they couldnt make it stick anyway as they could never prove that you didnt miss on the first shot (in order to scare the birds away) with silly laws like this it makes you wonder whats coming next! perhaps they will come up with something useful, but i doubt it!

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Besides the Legislation is somewhet one sided when you look at in in another perspective


You MUST scare the bird first but then no mention of IF you can shoot it once it's taken off as in Pheasant shooting :unsure:


Besides the bang when the gun goes off is enough to frighten anything :lol:



You have the answer! Well done! USE SUBSONIC CARTRIDGES! Theoretically, the sound of the bang will reach them before the shot, giving them a more than generous number of nanoseconds to avoid the pattern. :lol:



Edit: needed an 'e' on 'done'. :lol:

Edited by Floating Chamber
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Licence: 'when all other methods have failed, scaring off.... (my summary)


So, we MUST try scaring away the pigeons? In my book, this is preventing them from feeding... starving them in other words. Surely, if you had a pigeon and stopped it from eating and it died, you would be guilty of cruelty, breaking the law and would be brought to justice? No doubt about it!


So, why is DEFRA encouraging us to break the law? Or is the licence just a load of **** and really worthless?

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