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My new website, opinions please!

Stu S

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I have just updated my photography website, and was wandering if some of you guys would have a look and pass an opinion on the site, i.e. function, form, impact etc.


Reason being, I can no longer see the wood for the trees, I've been working on it on and off for about three days now!


There are still some pages to be added, as it is a site for both myself and my sister, and she has still got to decided which pictures she wants to use, and to write her bio.


Thanks in advance guys!




Edit: daft sod that I am forgot the link :good: it's www.conversion-photography.co.uk

Edited by stuart smith
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The pictures are very well composed, i especially like "Porthleven Pier".

If you don't mind me asking, what camera and lenses do you use for each e.g. telephoto lens, macro lens etc






I use a canon eos400 d-slr as the camera, and have three lenses that i use, but can't remember the detail off hand.


Will find out for you later if you like, but my old man has nicked the camera and all the stuff for his trip to South Africa!



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Invitations to criticise websites, or indeed any other creative offering, are very much a double edged sword, so I'll start by saying that overall it looks a very nice, clean and inviting site. The colours are light, well balanced and most importantly don't detract from the content, i.e. the photographs themselves.


Things that I might do different if it were me however include:

  • Lose the clock on the home page. It serves no real purpose other than to distract.
  • Reduce the size of the photograph titles and put them underneath. They are secondary to the photographs and their purpose is to discreetly complement them.
  • Display the photographs at least two to a row. It seems a lot of work scrolling down for little return.
  • I'm personally not a big fan of the M$ comic sans font on websites but that's probably just me. (It actually seems to work reasonably well here.)

These are just my initial personal reactions, again I would emphasise that the overall framework looks fine.





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Invitations to criticise websites, or indeed any other creative offering, are very much a double edged sword, so I'll start by saying that overall it looks a very nice, clean and inviting site. The colours are light, well balanced and most importantly don't detract from the content, i.e. the photographs themselves.


Things that I might do different if it were me however include:

  • Lose the clock on the home page. It serves no real purpose other than to distract.
  • Reduce the size of the photograph titles and put them underneath. They are secondary to the photographs and their purpose is to discreetly complement them.
  • Display the photographs at least two to a row. It seems a lot of work scrolling down for little return.
  • I'm personally not a big fan of the M$ comic sans font on websites but that's probably just me. (It actually seems to work reasonably well here.)

These are just my initial personal reactions, again I would emphasise that the overall framework looks fine.








Yeah, what he said and add some breastage.


Wokka wokka

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I like it, nice and relaxing looking at it.


I would remove clock (as has been said) and centre the text on the home page.


Also I assume you will be offering large discounts to us critics? :good:


Edit: oh and add some National Geographic style pics of ladies with their breasts out, all in the name of art of course

Edited by Dr W
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Having to scroll down is a definite 'no no' on any website.


Shrink your images down so you can have three or four on a row, and then have a link to the large image under each thumbnail.

i.e clicking the thumbnail will open a new window with the large image displayed.


Definitely reduce the size of each image title and remove the clock from your home page.


Maybe think about collating your images into groups (i.e. Animals, landscapes, people) and change your

navigation headings to suit each group, rather than just having gallery1, gallery2, gallery3 etc.


Keep it simple.

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Not a bad site - theres a few suggestions I'd make, although its all subjective so feel free to ignore me :good:


I too would lose the clock - or change it to a plain date/time text string and pop it out of the way in a corner rather than using the addin.


The type face is dependent on the viewer having that loaded on thier PC thats why most sites use Arial, Times Roman or Verdana.


The logos too are a bit pixilated but that can easily be tidied up.


In your galleries I'd reduce the size of your images to display them at least 2 abreast & then link those to the larger images as popups. That will give you a greater impact & make the page load quicker - you can also add more details to your popup box like camera/lens/settings etc to add extra impact. Alternativly if youd rather keep the format as it is at least centre the table with the images.


On your larger images add the copyright symbol to your security message (ascii 169 or &copy in html)


Check with your web host what sort of sites they support. If you use an active scripting language it'll make it a huge amount easier for you to maintain the content. If they support .net 2.0 then you can even get the software to develop it for free from microsoft along with a ton of training videos to learn how to use it - http://asp.net.


Where you've got the mailto links its worth changing them to js scripts (theres lots on google as to how to do this) as it will dramatically cut the amount of spam emails you get. There are web spiders that will trawl for <a href=mailto: code to harvest the email addresses for the spammers.


I'd reccomend having a look at some of the stuff that goes through Photoshop Cafe there are some amazing developers showing thier wares theres & lots to help & tips too.


Oh & if you're really keen you can have a look at my site too - typically it's not finished but I needed it live to get some of the events pictures online ws42.com

Edited by Hardy
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Few points:

  • Loose the clock
  • Remove the massive watermarks
  • Change the main font to something simple
  • photogalleries should be that, galleries, not lists. Improve with maybe flash gallery or at least smaller thumbnails leading to larger pictures
  • logo is too pixelly on my screen
  • no picture on front page? Too much info on front page
  • Perhaps make the galleries more specific rather than a list of random images

Its a good start over all, I can't really comment as I built my site in MS word, uploaded to a free web server and forget to add more than one gallery. But you can take a look for what its worth: Just Me Photo . com





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The only thing I would change Stuart is to have a back to the top button on th RH side of the pages.


Cracking photos and I wouldn't change them to have two on a line. I hate it when you have to squint to get the detail on photos, which by the way I think you have captured extremely well. Simple, but my favorites were the Fountain Pen and the Misty water. :rolleyes::D



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