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Anyone ever seen anything like this?


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Now then fellas,

Had my first day back on my main permission yesterday after being off it since august last year (I'm only allowed on there January - August) which I was really happy about as I've been chomping at the bit to take the Daystate out on a good lamping trip.

Plenty of rabbits around when I arrived which of course is a winner and put me in an instant good mood :lol:

After zeroing up and having a quick brew I set off on my usual route around the land, took me approx 5 minutes to bag my 1st coney.

I've got myself one of those little nv monoculars from lidl, my tactic is to use the nv to spot the quarry and then lamp them - worked a treat on that first one, perfect head shot at 35 yards with the lamp on for around 5 seconds - awesome :good:

Anyway, over the next couple of hours I managed to acheive a respectable bag (8 full size scuts).

However, when I came to pick up the last one that succumbed to a barracuda to the noggin, I noticed he had an abnormally 'swollen' front leg and shoulder.

I assumed at the time that the force of the shot had dislocated it or something perhaps (see pics)

However, when it came to gutting and skinning before the return trip home it became apparent that this bulge was in fact a sort of cist or boil of some kind and when I slit it open to inspect further out squirted a ton of white mayonaisse-like stuff! :good:

In the centre of this mass of yack was an intact if slightly deformed airgun pellet (not mine as it was the wrong cal and i'd taken a single headshot anyway) this lead me to summise that perhaps this guy had been shot in the past, survived and gone on to develop this gross cist type thing.

Anybody seen anything like it before? am I right or way off the mark with my amataur csi skills?

Needless to say, he didnt make it anywhere near the pot, but his friends did :unsure:











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Yes I have but not as big as that example. Basically a big bag of fairly dry discharge that can be squeezed if your curious. I probably shouldn't have eaten them but did and i'm still breathing. The one I do give a wide berth to are the bags of clear fluid that contain lots of little white balls :unsure:





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Id say you were correct..


Based on the fact you found a pellet in the middle of this white fluid, id say he had been shot before, maybe at a further distance than what he should have been shot at, and the pellet has hit the bone and not having enough energy, stopped without doing to much damage.


Thus, the wabbit has survived to tell the tale.... untill now... and his imune system has tried to rejected this 'forieg body' creating a cist type thing???


Thats my thought anyways :unsure:



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Based on the fact you found a pellet in the middle of this white fluid, id say he had been shot before, maybe at a further distance than what he should have been shot at, and the pellet has hit the bone and not having enough energy, stopped without doing to much damage.


Thus, the wabbit has survived to tell the tale.... untill now... and his imune system has tried to rejected this 'forieg body' creating a cist type thing???


Thats more or less what I was thinking, I have a feeling that someone may have been lamping the area with an airgun (without permission I would assume :unsure: ) whilst I've been off the land, might also explain why a lot of the rabbits were way more lamp-shy and twitchy than I was expecting them to be, hmmm....

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From here:




The most common causes of rabbit abscesses are bite wounds that become infected, tooth root infections and tear duct infections. Tooth root and tear duct infections lead to abscesses on the face and head. Rabbits do not form liquid pus that drains easily when the abscess is lanced. Rabbit pus is very thick, about the consistency of toothpaste, because there is an enzyme missing that can break the necrotic debris into a more liquid form.
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