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smoking licence


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Seems the mad boffin wants us all to be registered if we want to smoke; via a permit that sounds as complex to apply for as a SGC.


Where do they get these people from? If lab are going to use these people as advisors then, why don't they get it over with an abolish democaracy whilst they are at it? They already want to use the ID cards to register how much alcohol people buy once they are compolsory. Whats going to be next???



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£200 for a toot? The smokers are having it rough :yes:


Maybe in years to come we will have less and less smokers in the UK? But if we carry on allowing in these Eastern Fugges it will not. As we all know they as a nation do smoke heavily


But in the mean time smoke away you smokers die before national retirement age of clogged lungs and coronary disease due to smoking - saves on paying you a pension :D:good:



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Can't remember the exact figures, but there is about 3 time's more smoking tax revenue taken in, than is spent on smoking related illnessess. If it wasn't for smokers, your income tax would go through the roof. By the way, all my grandparents died in their late 80's and smoked unfiltered, strong cigs and were natural deaths. More people die yearly in car accidents, are we going to ban cars?

Have a look at This

Edited by wy111
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This goverment is bankrupt, since they have been in they keep putting on stealth taxes more and more to pay for their incompetance, Last year they sold off half our gold reserves,3 weeks later the price of gold trippled!!we are being bled dry with taxes to pay for this illegal war in Iraq, its costing billions to pay for all the immigrants flooding in to the country, correct me if I am wrong but didnt gormless gorden pledge 850 million pounds to India two weeks ago??the list of failure goes on and on.only problem is we have to pay for it! and the legislation to make us be more "green" is nonsence, just more stealth taxes on our backs.The industrial explosion in India and China proves it. Last year China announced it was building one thousand coal fired power stations!!Erm, dosent that mean that the pollution from just China alone is many hundreds of times more than this country produces??God help us all. :yes:

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