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Another Great Day With The HMR


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I went out at about 13:00 and got back about 17:30. Had a great day. Rifle is performing really well. My best shot of the day can be seen below, you will notice the bulging eye of the rabbit, flip it over and it went right in through the other eye :yes:


I actually saw the Farm Manager over at the permission, he thanked me for the great work and said I could get rid of the bodies by way of a fire, as long as i covered it with mud before I left.


Nothing like the smell of Roasting Rabbit :D If I had had more time I would have skinned a couple and had something to eat.


Good day out.













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:yes: good shooting .17 hmr a very good way of keeping rabbits under control. i used to shoot with a .22 rimmy but never again, the only drawback with the hmr is i find that it kills them clean ie. no twitching or jumping around unlike with the .22 so makes them harder to find in longer grass or crops. could you not find a dealer to take the rabbits or give them away as dog food? in my neck of the woods rabbits sell for about 50p each skin on but gutted.anyway well done like the look of the rifle rest :D
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Never yet had a farmer ask me to get rid of rabbits bodies, and as to lighting fires and burning them...... whats the world coming to? :hmm:


This has got to be the silliest thing you have posted on here, those photos are a feast for the antis :(


:good: D2D

Edited by dusk2dawn
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Bleh Bleh Bleh - Winge On!!! How about posting something constructuve. Like, Well done Lee, but I would reccomend you not posting pictures like that because.... Or I actually would not burn the bodies because.....

Edited by ShaggyRS6
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Bleh Bleh Bleh - Winge On!!! How about posting something constructuve. Like, Well done Lee, but I would reccomend you not posting pictures like that because.... Or I actually would not burn the bodies because.....



"Bleh Bleh Bleh Winge on!!" Well hardly a mature comment, are we seeing the other side of you?


As to "Well done Lee" I dont think so, have you got an ego problem that needs a daily fix of appreciation and praise.


This was a dodgy post and you know it, end of. :good:


:hmm: D2D

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i personally see no problem with it. he has already stated before, that it is purely vermin control. so on that basis. hes not shooting them for the meat. so burning the bodies is a much better idea then leaving them out to fester etc.


good one lee and keep up the good work.

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Your correct Flash. I dont do any shooting at all for meat. Occasioanly I will take a few home for the Ferts, or give some to the butcher. I killed approaching 1000 last year with my Air Rifle. I maybe took 50-60 away from the Feild.


Its Vermin control, pure and simple. My farmer or the locals would must prefer not to see fly ridden bodies around. Especially on these permissions.

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No. It's just you having a pop. You could have PM'd me.



Im not having a pop, I post it as I see it without favour, you are still very new to this and your enthusiasm runs away with you sometimes, imo you crossed the line with this one.


Its your decision whether to mod the photos, just as it was yours to post them.


:hmm: D2D

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Looks like a good day, well done.


Re the "burning" issue, I could see the problem if you'd posted pics of a Pheasant funeral pyre or something similar where game, a sporting quarry, is wasted but rabbit numbers need to be controlled and their meat is a by-product of the need to for them to be killed, however tasty it might be. If you can't do anything else with the bodies I see no problem in burning them.


All IMHO of course. Keep up the good work. :hmm:



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Nice shooting shaggy I also shoot some for pure vermin control but usually they are left where they lie to go back into the soil as for the burning I'm in a similar mindset to D2D I'm not sure about it especially on a small fire like that, were it a far bigger fire I'd have no problems with it. Wouldn't it be simpler with that number of rabbits to just bury them?

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Sometimes you shoot more than can easily use or get rid of, it's as simple as that.

If you are asked to control vermin you don't refuse simply because you can't eat/sell that many, you get on with it.

I probably wouldn't have posted the picture of the funeral pire, but that doesn't mean it is wrong.

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