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last nights fox

Gonna Shoot a Wabbit

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Hi all.


Don and i were out last night. No wind blowing, 3/4moon and the car outside temp gauge is reading 0c as we arrive at our chosen starting point (brrrrr!!). Once geared up with don on the .223 and your humble scribe on the lamp and calling we set off across the fields towards a hillock to start calling. It was like walking round in daylight such was the moonlight casting our shadows on the ground as we crunched through the frosted grass ( we are not sneaking up on anything tonight).


Once at the hill we made sure we are not silhoueted at the top and i started calling. Jeez it was cold but our lunacy was rewarded after around 10 mins as a shape appears from the woodland fringe a good 250yds plus away and at the bottom of the hill and looks at us, no mistaking those eyes and body shape. Don confirms it is a fox through the binoculars and the shot is on. Said fox is ambling towards us following the woodland fringe and stops for a few seconds too long broadside on as aged companion squeezes off the shot...... crack......THUMP!!!! a solid hit. Aged companion keeps a bead drawn on the fox (which is down without a twitch) for a few seconds then we set off to pace the range and retrieve the slain. We find the fox at 170yds in a straight line from where don shot it. Not bad for an old ****:good: Upon inspection of the exit wound it looked like it had been hit a little low, but thinking back from our elevated position that angle explains the low exit wound the entrance area was hit millimeter perfect from a long way out, dont say this too often as he gets too big for his boots but FINE SHOT pal.



We moved a little farther on and again 250 - 300yds away a pair of eyes are looking at us. We are agonising for a few minutes is it a fox is it not?? whatever it is it is sat facing us and we cant see its outline / silhouette only a pair of eyes in the night. Whatever it is it is not responding to the call as we realise a slight breeze is picking up and takeing our scent to it :hmm: . We decide to take the filter off the lamp and now it moves...... outline clear in the bins IT WAS A FOX exiting stage right at high speed, we followed it for 2 fields but it gave us the slip without the chance of a shot. I know 9 times out of 10 those eyes are a fox but without a definite confirmation especially at long range we prefer to err on the side of caution and try again when conditions suit us and we are sure of what we are shooting at.


That was it after that we tried a few more spots but without seeing any foxes, so with the temp gauge when we got back to the car at -2c and aged companions joints audibly creaking we headed for home with one fox in the bag and a repeat appointment arranged for the other. Thanks for reading.



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