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eletric fences


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:lol: I touched one once when I was going fishing with my grandad, being a cocky 10 year old I thought why are those old ******* climbing over that piece of leather? As I climbed thro i found out why!!! I had 2 lines on my inner thigh!!!


While fishing in france at a lake called fishabil, I set my first rod up after arriving and leant it on a fence, I got away without a shock until I picked it up to cast it ou tand zapp!!!!! :good:

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I've had a few belts from them in the past.


A few memorable ones but one of the best was as a lad

I was out in a field and I crossed over a wooden fence

that had a wire on the top of it. I was wearing shorts and

it kept belting me inbetween the legs as I danced trying

to get off.


Cheers taz

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