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just had this back from N E.


Dear Mark


Thank you for your email regarding wood pigeon shooting and the general licence.


As you are probably aware all wild birds are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).


For some bird species and purposes under the Act where Defra and Natural England are satisfied there is no other satisfactory solution and where such applications would be routinely approved, general licences are issued. These general licences permit authorised persons to take action against the listed birds for defined purposes such as preserving public health & safety or air safety, or prevention of damage to crops.


From 1st January 2008 all Wildlife & Countryside Act General Licences are issued by Natural England prior to this licences were issued by Defra.


Wood pigeons are listed on certain general licences, copies of the general licences are available from the Natural England website at:




Natural England general licences are valid in England and similar arrangements apply in Scotland and Wales. In Northern Ireland the general licences are issued under the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985. All general licences are subject to certain conditions of use. Licences do not confer any right of access or right to take action to otherwise unauthorised persons. You are advised to read a copy of the relevant licence before undertaking any action.


Therefore the implications of Natural England taking responsibility for the issue of general licences for any species listed including woodpigeons remains unchanged from what it was when the licences were previously issued by Defra.


I am not aware of any particular involvement from the RSPCA regarding the general licence however if you have any cause for concern regarding the RSPCA I suggest that you contact them direct.


I hope this is helpful, however if you have any further concerns please let me know.

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Starlight as you know this estate management give the impression of not understanding vermin/pest control, if you cast your mind back we had very impressive and swift help from BASC which enabled the game keeper to continue control under the terms of the general licence, Problem Is if you give any time to the likes of the RSPCA when there is no reason you should, they start to build case files and next thing you know they are lobbying to have a say in all cases. If there is no case to answer why are they there in the first place, its not there business and its about time someone told them so


Keep your nose out


Lets not forget bodies like the RSPB also quite rightly practice pest/vermin control (fox and crow), and if my friend is correct have also been guilty of pricking Canada Goose eggs (quite wrongly) perhaps we can get RSPB and RSPCA at each other and waste all their money so they cant have a go at Pigeon shooters,


Yee gods next thing you know they will stop rent O kill doing away with Rats!

Edited by pavman
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Yee gods next thing you know they will stop rent O kill doing away with Rats!


Under the new rules you can still kill rats but you have to make sure they are fed, well adjusted mentally and not part of any minority group before you consider them for culling. When selected you additionally need to tickle them first so they are happy then shoot them so they don't get scared.


Don't laugh, with the RSPCA involved it's coming :good:

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