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We saw the black beast


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i will belive theres one out there when i see it.



you ever seen a red squirrel? or a scottish wildcat or even a pine marten


Seen all three but i am not going to get involved in this one,i will just say the "Believers"will always believe no matter what.And i cant be ***** to argue about it for another 10 pages.



You make us "Believers" out to be some sort of cult or something by the sounds of it - are you saying because you haven't seen one you don't "Believe" they can be out there, for someone who has seen this in the flesh it's not about "Believers will always believe no matter what", it's about what I saw and what I registered it to be, which was a large wild cat not usually seen around these parts, hence our sudden departure from the land


let me tell you what I saw was black large and NOT repeat NOT a Fox so unless the local black moggy had been popping unfesable amounts of steroids or unless a Rottweiler that purrs had escaped that night.............

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would you legally be allowed to shoot a big cat or would you need to have big cat written on your FAC!!! (i wouldn't like to put it to the test as the local plod don't need much of an excuse to take your licence off you)



Well seeing as they would probably be a protected species then no but if one was to attack me it would need more protection than the RSPCA if you know what I mean

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Big cats are classed as dangerous wild animals in the uk and even zoo's and private collectors/keepers have to have a dwa licence to keep them on uk soil. If one of these cats escape into a populated area the command of kill on site comes into force for public safety.

So basically if you where out one night and you cornered one of these and your life was in danger then it would be down to self defence to shoot one of these creatures .But to be honest ive seen these cats in the wild in other countries and even getting within 500 yards of them before they run off is near impossible! so you have got more chance of getting injured by a red deer or a wild boar and how many attacks where there by them in the uk last year? none! so before anyone gets trigger happy when eventually one is caught in the sights think twice about pulling the trigger! you might make it onto breakfast tv but you will make more enemies than friends! I know for DEFINATE there are cats around but I would never share what I know on a public forum.

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If they are there - ok

If they are not - 0k too




That was my feeling on the subject too untill I saw a Labrador-ish sized one about two years ago, also in eastern Leic's. It could be the same one that has now grown considerably. Some of those prints were in soft slightly moist clay soil where farm machinery has left wheel marks manouvering at the edge and corner of the field. I'm six feet tall with fairly big hands, the fact that there is a cat out there with paws as large as my palms is quite interesting to me.


Now that we have been able to corroborate the sighting with photo's I'm happy enough to emphaticaly state that one exists and that we did'nt misjudge it's size due to darkness or distance perception. If some people have doubts about it thats their problem if they can't open their minds - so be it.

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My two peneth!


I used to do skydiving at an airfield in kent. There was a coupla Lynx holed up in a dirt bank at the end of the airfield that we'd watch on long hot summer afternoons when we were bored. I shoot a lot around north Essex/ south suffolk borders and have seen (the same?) big cat many times. I now live and shoot in Cornwall, but I have never seen the beast of bodmin. Nature has a way of adapting. Any animal released to the wild will find a way of getting by. Just look at the wild boar!

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My friend and i where beating just before christmas and had to go through a small wooded area at the top of the field when we heard what sounded like a big cat roaring. Needless to say we where out of the woods quicker than the pheasants

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  • 2 years later...

Surely if there were big cats out there some of them would have died by now and no one's ever came out with a body or even bones, I'd like to think they were out there but I'm very doubtful, and yes I'd shoot one if the opportunity ever presented itself.

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Carl Sagan's demon haunted world - green men in space ships, visitations from angels, Jesus & even God, pixies at the bottom of the garden, sights of wild cats running round the country-side.


The latter is the most plausible (from a poor list of alternatives) but not at nearly the frequency they get reported - same root causes as the others in the majority of cases...

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Carl Sagan's demon haunted world - green men in space ships, visitations from angels, Jesus & even God, pixies at the bottom of the garden, sights of wild cats running round the country-side.


The latter is the most plausible (from a poor list of alternatives) but not at nearly the frequency they get reported - same root causes as the others in the majority of cases...



you mean these people are intoxicated or smoking wackey backy :good:

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