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£25k benefit cheat will pay £1


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Lets be sensible here ppl. Are we angry cos he isnt white, or because he has done something wrong ?



both? and no thats not racist, thats a remark made to suit the case, this guy knew the situation and in truth thats why he came,he knew his ethniticity would stand him in good stead and that the bleeding heart lefties would set him and his family up? his relatives were already set up in the buisness he made his dissapearing dosh at.yet he made no mention of that? and in all probability he would never have been asked.


I have no gripe whatsoever with anyone be they green, pink, or purple,or dare we actually say it BLACK, provided they come to better their life, respect MY views, ways, and culture, and play the ******* game,and not try to revert my country into the society they came from, one that had failed them at that or WHY come? oh heck full circle BENEFITS!! I forgot.

cheers KW

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Oh for Gods sake, spare us this hug-an-immigrant ****. :good:


The bottom line is, he's come over here from overseas to fleece the system, because the puling, whining lefties and liberals in this country have made it easy for him to do so.


Mate, the bottom line is that he has done something wrong, criminal and should be punished. it has abs nothing to do with him being irani, and BNP is surely the wrong choice (and suggestion) to deal with issues like this (as someone else mentions in another post). These crimes are performed by white British too in case you have not noticed yet.


As I said before, many more like him are in the UK, and are helping our economy, and helping us to pay for our elders.

You dont have to search a lot to find out how many Non-whites create jobs, create jobs and millions of £s that help the govt.

You may notice that probably most of the things you eat and see around you at home and work are actually made by the "outsiders".


Some of the data for your consideration from 3 years ago (the numbers may look significantly better now though):


With over 39,000 businesses in London generating around 300,000 jobs, the total turnover of Asian owned businesses approached £60 billion in 2003/4. The report also highlights the level of entrepreneurialism within the community


Asian-owned firms provide around 300,000 jobs to the London economy. This represented around 12 per cent of total employment by firms covered in the survey. The total turnover of Asian-owned firms in London was around £60 billion in 2003/4. This was around 13 per cent of total turnover for all London businesses covered by the survey.

This means that Asian-owned businesses make up a similar share of all businesses as the Asian share of London’s population. Asian-owned businesses comprise 14 per cent of all businesses, while 15 per cent of London’s working-age population is Asian.


remember only white people can be racist :lol:

You may as well add to that: Only Non-Whites are criminals and cheats right? :lol:

Edited by GamezBond
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Gamezbond, I think you are reading something into this thread that isn't really there.


He has fleeced the British people (this I consider anyone who has a legal right to live in this country, makes it their home, contributes to society and pays taxes).


Yes this could have been a british person and yes they do it all the time.


The point is in this case

(1) He shouldn't have been in this country (he was refused twice until his wife got pregnant)

(2) He had £500,000 in his bank account which has suddenly disappeared when he got caught.

(3) He shouldn't have been claiming benefits if he had so much cash


I am well aware of the fact that we are multi-national country, I live in London where most people are not white but this isn't the point.

Edited by Dr W
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take his money of him, all but for a plane ticket. kick the cheating ****** out, and keep Britain British!!

how many of our fathers, uncles, brothers ect have fought and died for the right to keep our country great.!!!

not enough rules = France

too many rules = Germany


no man should fleece the system and be able to hold his head high. there is no defending what he has done. he should not even be here!!!!! :good:

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Oh for Gods sake, spare us this hug-an-immigrant ****. :good:


The bottom line is, he's come over here from overseas to fleece the system, because the puling, whining lefties and liberals in this country have made it easy for him to do so.


Mate, the bottom line is that he has done something wrong, criminal and should be punished.



Wrong, he shouldn't have been living in this country.


The bottom line is that his harris should be booted back where he came from. We have enough home-grown garbage, we certainly don't need to be importing everyone else's. He was knocked back twice - now what kind of a craphead do you have to be to be refused admission here? They'll take anybody. Some **** decided to eventually let him in, just because his wife is "with brat". So what? He can take her off someplace else with his £500.000 :lol:

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I'd love to know which ***** make the decision on who stays and who gets kicked out. On one hand we have this merchant banker and on the other a Gay Iranian who will face the death sentence at home for being gay and we're sending him home :good:


Ok some on here may agree with it but it seems like if you have a genuine asylum case we ignore it but if you just want to bludge off the system you're fine

Edited by al4x
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Oh for Gods sake, spare us this hug-an-immigrant ****. :lol:


The bottom line is, he's come over here from overseas to fleece the system, because the puling, whining lefties and liberals in this country have made it easy for him to do so.


Common sense says kick the ****** out and his wife and brats, but no, that would be violating his ******* human rights.


It's this kind of "don't say anything against him, it's racist" mentality that's got us in the mess we're in, I certainly don't want any more of it shoved down my throat on here.


top man . :good:

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i dont agree with them doing him in just for liking men :good: , but he aint sponging off us lot to pay for his new boobs and god knows what. let him go to France for that. :lol:

your next "safe" country is supposed to be your imigration target, so why the hell are they all ending up at the furthest??? ill tell you why, becuse the blokes who let them in, are bedding half of em. :lol:

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Race issues aside,its a crazy system that allows a rich man to claim benefits to the tune of a small fortune then to give us all the middle finger when he stashes his cash away.It wont be under the floorboards so why dont they trace it electronically or jail him till he coughs up where its gone? The rest of us get pursued to the end of the earth for doing 40 in a 30 zone and this guy says "Up yours" and gets a let off. The justice system allows this kind of ****. :good:

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Race issues aside,its a crazy system that allows a rich man to claim benefits to the tune of a small fortune then to give us all the middle finger when he stashes his cash away.It wont be under the floorboards so why dont they trace it electronically or jail him till he coughs up where its gone? The rest of us get pursued to the end of the earth for doing 40 in a 30 zone and this guy says "Up yours" and gets a let off. The justice system allows this kind of ****. :good:


Well said, and totally agreed. :lol:

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Oh for Gods sake, spare us this hug-an-immigrant ****. :good:


The bottom line is, he's come over here from overseas to fleece the system, because the puling, whining lefties and liberals in this country have made it easy for him to do so.


Mate, the bottom line is that he has done something wrong, criminal and should be punished.



Wrong, he shouldn't have been living in this country.




You clearly mean that he shouldnt have been in this country in the first place right? so lets say for a second that he hadnt cheated the benefit system. Can you please elaborate why he shouldnt have been living in this country (as when he was granted the permission to stay, he hadnt cheated the benefit system)??

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As I said before, many more like him are in the UK, and are helping our economy, and helping us to pay for our elders.

You dont have to search a lot to find out how many Non-whites create jobs, create jobs and millions of £s that help the govt



not true at all read the govts OWN analysis?


The Government's pronouncements on immigration.

Last week, its economists produced a report on the economic effects of immigration in which it was claimed that immigrants had added "3.1 per cent to Britain's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)" since 1998.


So they did — but the report omitted the other critical fact: over the same period, immigrants added 3.8 per cent to the total British population. Put those two together and you get the result that the effect of immigration since 1998 has been to lower GDP per capita, not to increase it.


The Government report failed to draw that conclusion, because its economists never put the two figures together. It is typical of the kind of misleading statement that usually characterises official pronouncements.


Take the oft-repeated claim that "immigrants have an enormously beneficial effect on the economy". It does not stand up to scrutiny — but it is hardly ever scrutinised. Ministers and Government "experts" simply assert that immigrants contribute in taxes far more than they take out in tax-funded services.


It is true that highly-paid immigrants pay much more in taxes than they consume in Government services. But most immigrants are not highly paid.


Of the 623,575 national insurance certificates awarded to Eastern European migrants between May 2004 and March 2007, for example, 77 per cent were for jobs which paid between £4.50 and £5.50 per hour. People on so low a level of pay receive back more in terms of tax-credits and other Government benefits than they pay in taxes.



now you notice the figure of 623,575 this is for LEGAL immigrants god knows how many are her ILLEGALLY also bare in mind

that in 2004 before the eastern european borders where "opened" we were told quite convincinglythat the number of immigrants coming to our shores would peak at 220,000 (after 10 years) got that right eh?


cheers KW

and put that in yer pipe and smoke it!!!

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Cheers GB. I think we have all noticed how the law abiding are the ones who get screwed for the minor offences because they know where we are,know we pay our dues and we are a soft touch. The real villains who require time and effort to nick walk away. Example : I nearly lost 2 family members last month to a hit and run. This happened in full view of police CCTV.They refused point blank to check the film to trace the driver . Sorry to digress but I have had just about enough of being shafted.And so has my Mrs.

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how many of our fathers, uncles, brothers ect have fought and died for the right to keep our country great.!!!


Perhaps you should also tell us how many non-whites fought for Britain contributing towards the 1st and the 2nd world war! Perhaps you should also think how many of the non-whites had their fore fathers dead due to fighting for Britain. And perhaps you should also consider how many are still,... yes, ...still fighting to keep our country "great" (e.g Gurkhas ). You should also consider that in this day and age of "civilized humans", they even suffer inferior pay, work conditions and treatment to that of British colleagues while fighting to keep our country "great" !!!!

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Cheers GB. I think we have all noticed how the law abiding are the ones who get screwed for the minor offences because they know where we are,know we pay our dues and we are a soft touch. The real villains who require time and effort to nick walk away. Example : I nearly lost 2 family members last month to a hit and run. This happened in full view of police CCTV.They refused point blank to check the film to trace the driver . Sorry to digress but I have had just about enough of being shafted.And so has my Mrs.

Once again spot on :lol:


i am sorry to hear about the hit and run experience.

I was a victim about 6 years ago of a hit and run, and that was the first time I called police for help. They simply and literally told me that they can not help me because not enough people to cover. Luckily no one was injured. 2nd time I needed them was when my car was broken into. They told me that they dont usually catch criminals who do this kind of things, and that I should carry on with my day to day life and claim from my insurance. 3 days later I received a call asking me to drive to the police station and was questioned on why I used the car, and hence interfered with evidence!!! as IF I was going to stop going to work etc for three days for them (after telling me to use the car as normal) to try and take finger prints from the shattered pieces of glass!!!

As expected I never heard from them again...not really a surprise.


My view on the police is this, if you are a no one, probably on benefits, and got nothing to lose (career, house, wife, children) then you will get 5 to 7 years even for murder.....BUT on the other hand, if you are "someone" and have a life, career, house, wife, children, generally things that you care about if you lost them, then they will nick you just for spitting or throwing a candy wrapper !!!! :good:

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they even suffer inferior pay, work conditions and treatment to that of British colleagues while fighting to keep our country "great" !!!!


you need to give your head a shake.


show me one legal working immigrant who would stand for any of the above.


For your reading pleasure mate.

"Ex-Gurkhas take MoD to court asking for the same rights and pensions as the British soldiers who served alongside us"




All I am trying to say is that the crime in question has nothing to do with him being iranian, the crime is infact a crime committed by many including white British and Non white British both. this crime should be equally and harshly punishable for all, not only for Whites or non-whites. I believe that penalties for crimes in Britain are not harsh enough to deter people from the crime.


Cheers :good:

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