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Insult people online?


That is the fox calling the badger hairyarse if ever I heard it.


Perhaps I'll give leeds police a ring tomorrow and grass you up properly, then at least there will be some truth in your attention seeking.


Isn't it time you went to bed now? after all isn't it school tomorrow (nursery school that is )



Believe me mate, little man syndrome is something I do not suffer with.


My old boss once said to me, it is a good job that blokes as big as you are placid, because if you weren't there wouldn't be any little blokes like me left.

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PM should not be posted on the forum. that was a personal message to you not all the world.

leave the fellow alone, he has had enough abuse from members we should be all pulling together not pulling each other apart

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I doubt he even has an Xbox 360, he hasn't got the technology to upload a letter (or the intelligence)


Why should we be charitable? he hasn't got anything wrong with him. Well apart from being a compulsive liar and quite an abusive person.


You know that for a fact? Or is it just one of your opinions?



as henry would say...move along peeps ,nothing to see here :blush:


Don't be silly they would be deprived of their sport then. They keep telling him to "drop it" then in the next sentence bait him. TBH I don’t know what the truth is, and no one on here does either. They may think they do. But NO ONE does for certain..

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"Why not publish the PM? It showed him in his true light."

because it was a personal mesage, he should have the courtousy not to post it.

this thread is just like a pack of dogs after a rabbit someone shows just the slightest bit of insecurity and lots of people jump on the band wagon and go for the kill.

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PM should not be posted on the forum. that was a personal message to you not all the world.

Viking clearly stated that Martin should post it!

he actually said "go tell everyone that ive pm ed you " not show every one my pm. not clearly stated really :blush:

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PM should not be posted on the forum. that was a personal message to you not all the world.

leave the fellow alone, he has had enough abuse from members we should be all pulling together not pulling each other apart


Well said.

I have seen a few members on here in their true light. I do not like what I see "a pack of school ground bullies" they have even encouraged younger members to join in. The goad him till he retailates then claim that they are right because he has retailated. It matters not one iota if what he has posted it true or not. They feel the need to publicly humiliate him. Why?



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it clearly states in the forum rules that PMs should not be posted.

Why has this post not been deleted or edited by the mods martincavie 08.28. clear infringment of the rules that we all are supposed to stick by. come on mods do your job

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