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Flocks breaking up.....


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I read on another thread about flocks starting to split up, what does that mean to us hunters?


This is my first season game shooting so I'm just learning what each season brings and means in shooting/hunting terms.


Will they become easier to decoy?

Do their feeding habits change?

Do we change our approach?

What's the next stage if that's the correct phrase?

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Some of the flocks we saw today were still big, up to 100 birds strong. Most were 10-20 birds in each. One client shot 220 on a drill for 450 shots! Must have seen several thousand birds throughout the day.



Edited by M ROBSON
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Most of the flocks I am seeing are 50 birds plus, but there also seems to be a few pairs flying about and displaying.


On the way back from the Kent Show today, I saw one flock take off from a large field of rape as I drove by, there must have been over 1000 birds there. :good:

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Spring was in the air today and for the first time this year there were signs of the pigeon flocks breaking up. I set up on a rape field scaring about 300 off it. About 100 came back in a steady trickle , but no flock was larger than 7 and lots of pairs and singles.

Edited by anser2
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they are still flocking by the thousand where i am, never seen so many pigeons congregating as i'm seeing now, wish the bloody things would split up so i can get on them, have tried several times so far and whilst they're in their numbers, they're just not interested in the deeks.

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:hmm: They don't seem to have split up round here either. There is the odd one or two out on there own, but the majority I am seeing are still in large flocks and that ranges from Mid-Suffolk right the way through to the Fenlands and out to Suffolk Coastal area as well. Can't speak for the north of the county but I suspect with the Cold weather about to hit again, it may be another week or two before we start seeing the flocks really disperse.



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