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Cancer Research UK


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My daughter was diagnosed just over a year ago and we were glad for all the experts available. I think a lot has got to do with better detection methods these days. We as a country are actually not in the fore front of cancer treatment and fall behind some other countries, like I say I wonder if it is because we are better at detecting it that we have such a high cancer rate

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My daughter was diagnosed just over a year ago and we were glad for all the experts available. I think a lot has got to do with better detection methods these days. We as a country are actually not in the fore front of cancer treatment and fall behind some other countries, like I say I wonder if it is because we are better at detecting it that we have such a high cancer rate


Yeah, my mates mum she was diagnosed with breast cancer they live in Brunei at the moment, she went to the doctors in Brunei and they said it was nothing but she sent the x-rays and that to a Doctor over here in the UK and they phoned her up immediatly and said what she was dreading to here.

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Do they really want to find a cure for cancer?


If they do thousands of people will be out of jobs. Is it not in their best interest to take it slow with finding a cure?


Yes, they do - believe me they do, and so do a ton of people. :good:


You may have seen the recent Patrick Swayze thread which was deleted soon after it got going to know how much of stake everyone has in this.


The reason people go into cancer research is to find a cure, not keep themselves in a job.


And when they do, no one will complain if they find they have to move into another line of employment. People will still get cancer, and treatment is what takes up the largest amount of money and provides the most jobs.


The cosmetic industry - now THAT'S a waste of space, time and money. Donate the cash in that to cancer research and they'll have it cured in a decade.

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I also think they do want to find a cure.


As some of you already know my wife is battling secondary lung cancer at the moment. The results so far have been promising and this is down to people like Cancer Research finding new drugs and treatments to help control cancer and help keep people alive a lot longer than they used to. People are living longer with cancer and that credit must be given to these people.


I for one am gratefull for all their work.

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Mrs Yonic here - really must register myself. :good:


I'm actually doing the Race for Life this May. I figured it is only 5 kms and anything I raise has to help this worthy cause. Luckily, I am not running in memory of anyone, but I'm sure a time will come when someone I love suffers with this dreadful disease. :good:

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Do they really want to find a cure for cancer?


If they do thousands of people will be out of jobs. Is it not in their best interest to take it slow with finding a cure?


i lost my mum to breast cancer. and i for sure would rather see people out of a job, then see other families going through what i went through. people who are trying to find the cure for cancer, can be in other jobs in the medical profession. and as said before you dont go in for the money.

Edited by flash
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i think they do and speaking from first hand experiance here i was grateful for everything that could be done 15 years ago i lost my mother to cancer 9 years ago i was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour and 2 years ago i lost me dad to cancer, i for one hope they do find a cure and believe they work bloody hard to find clues to it aswell.

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Do they really want to find a cure for cancer?


If they do thousands of people will be out of jobs. Is it not in their best interest to take it slow with finding a cure?

so you would rather people were to die of cancer then see people out of a job.

i lost my mum to breast cancer. and i for sure would rather see people out of a job, then see other families going through what i went through. people who are trying to find the cure for cancer, can be in other jobs in the medical profession. and as said before you dont go in for the money.


That astounds me cos i did no say that, I have lost my father ( he was 62 and I was in my 20's, 2 x grandfather prostate and 1 x bone cancer and my wives sister died of a brain tumour just as i met her age 25. My wife was 23 at the time). I have done hundreds of hours of bbq's, charty sales, car boots, fishing events, caravan park social events and xmas / easter fairs to rasing money for brain tumour research and my wife is doing a race for life next month. So will you withdraw that comment please and answer the question without the comment about dying.

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hang on chaps, i think you are all getting a bit personal and emotional. most people have (unfortunatly) had some kind of dealings with this subject, and is this realy the place to be discussing something which can lead to fallings out.

its friday night, so lets all have a glass o wine, and watch some great BRITISH telly. :lol:

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