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deer shooting


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i have been looking into deer stalking with great ambition , i have also found out that a local chap does deer stalking for £50 a day and a small price to pay for the deer once shot .


So i have a few questions to try and get me on the right road to one day hopefully being able to go out deer stalking

I have sent of my details to the local deer management center that does the DSC 1 so i can get myself booked in for this summer whilst doing the course i understand that you can borrow the estate rifle if you do not have a FAC1 ...

So what i want to know is ---> is it possible to obtain a FAC1 with out having land to shoot it on and only use it for paid deer stalking days that don't have the option of using an estate rifle or would it be possible to join a rifle club and then obtain a FAC and also have a deer caliber on the ticket for the deer days ?

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if you go stalking a couple of times and then ask the guy for a letter stating your experience and desire to carry on with the sport then they will be hard pushed to refuse. Your own land is a real plus but not essential as is the dsc 1 but again not essential. The rifle club is ok but if your thinking of joining anyway I would do so and put deer and target on the application (you will need somewhere to zero and practice with the rifle anyway) That way you are not faffing about with a deer variation later on.



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I wouldn't go the rifle club route, you probably won't have expanding ammunition on you FAC for a start.


If you have been out a few times and used an estate rifle, and hopefully shot a couple, see if the stalker will sign a letter to say you are safe/competant etc.

Do your DSC1 as well and you shouldn't have any problems at all - BUT have a chat with your FEO first to let him know your plans.

You can take your DSC1 without and FAC, I did, you just have borrow a rifle and sign a section 21 form for the day.


I did all of the above and got a deer calibre on first application, no mentor, no restrictions.

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I wouldn't go the rifle route, you probably won't have expanding ammunition on you FAC for a start.


If you have been out a few times and used an estate rifle, and hopefully shot a couple, see if the stalker will sign a letter to say you are safe/competant etc.

Do your DSC1 as well and you shouldn't have any problems at all - BUT have a chat with your FEO first to let him know your plans.

You can take your DSC1 without and FAC, I did, you just have borrow a rifle and sign a section 21 form for the day.


I did all of the above and got a deer calibre on first application, no mentor, no restrictions.



cheers for all of the info i think that is the best route to take , im going to speak to the feo 2morow and have a good old chat so he knows what i am planning to do and hopfully he will be happy with it .....


Does any one have any good web links or contacts for some paid deer stalking days or weekends ( must have estate rifle )



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Does any one have any good web links or contacts for some paid deer stalking days or weekends ( must have estate rifle )




Yep, but they`re a fair way from you.


Stuarts idea and yours of going and speaking to the FEO, is the best way for you. I can`t see them not having respect for you doing it like that.


Best of luck :lol:

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I agree with stuart too, it's probably the most simple way to do it. If you wanted your own gun more quickly you could run it past the FEO that maybe they could let you have your own rifle to take on accompanied stalks. I don't know if they can word the FAC so you can only use your gun under the supervision of any professional stalker, but if so it may help that you have a gun you're used to shooting with rather than borrowing several estate guns. That may get the rifle in your hands more quickly. If you're the patient type (unlike me) I'd tend to go for stuarts trouble free method :hmm:

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Buy yourself a copy of Sporting Rifle, there are hundreds of adds in the back pages of people who will take you out all over the country.

If you are coughing up good money to go out with a stalker I would check with previous clients (if you can) there are people who will happily take your money and walk you round fields that haven't had deer in them for years :hmm:

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I agree with stuart too, it's probably the most simple way to do it. If you wanted your own gun more quickly you could run it past the FEO that maybe they could let you have your own rifle to take on accompanied stalks. I don't know if they can word the FAC so you can only use your gun under the supervision of any professional stalker, but if so it may help that you have a gun you're used to shooting with rather than borrowing several estate guns. That may get the rifle in your hands more quickly. If you're the patient type (unlike me) I'd tend to go for stuarts trouble free method :hmm:


I am doing something similar at the moment.

I shoot foxes on the farm at home with a .223, and go stalking up north at least a couple of times a year. So I am trying to cover all the angles by getting a .243 for foxes at home and deer up north. I don't really want a whole new rifle and scope for a couple of trips a year. The local FEO seems fine with the idea so long as I get a letter from the estate in Scotland saying that I have shot there regularly, or he suggests a DSC1 (which I don't really want to have to go through at the moment as all my stalking is accompanied for reds). Also, as I shoot off my left shoulder, I am quite keen to get my own rifle.


Eventually I will ask for deer permission on the farm as well as we have quite a few roe getting fat at the expense of the roses, but hopefully by then I will be able to open up the ticket due to the passing of time and maybe doing the DSC1 in the not too distant.


Watch this space.....




PS I know some people say a .243 is not enough for red stags but in my experience there is no problem at all.

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If you have letters of bookings for your DSC1 and days booked to go stalking on a pay as you go basis that is more than enough of a reason to OWN a rifle for deer stalking purposes and unless there is some other legal reason against you personally then the police have no grounds to refuse you your FAC


I would recomend that if you are not a member of BASC, then join, this gives you insurance to the sum of £10 million and also a great leagle team to back you up and advise you on your FAC application


good luck




PS be sure to insist on an open ticket as you will be buying days out and will not know if the land will actually be cleared for use for your caliber of choice and will not be practical to have all land cleared prior to your arrival!

Edited by duey
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just rang the department and my forms are on the way to me , as long as i have proof of the booking then i will get a closed ticket ( open one in three years ) just have to inform them where im going stalking and they will do the checks on the land


also she said it is about a six week turnaround time which is very fast going to get the fac 1 cert

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I think having shotguns will help the gun safety a lot. The only thing I can think of that needs extra care with the rifle is a solid backstop. Once you've been out a few times with an experienced shot you'll learn what is acceptable.


Good luck to you. You're going to get a lot of enjoyment out of learning the ropes, I know I did (and still do) :yes:

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