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yabbie/crayfish pot

pete evans

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no i got it in australia, its a yabbie pot cost 5 dollars. ive used it 3 times so far 5 first time 15 second time and 34 third time. each time there was no bait left so i assume the crayfish stop coming when the bait is gone. next time i will use some kind of protection for the bait like chicken wire as i used 2 reasonable sized herring and there wasnt a trace of them in the morning



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u going to eat them mate?:lol:?thay taste good. me and my mate went fishing on are local river the other day and caught a cray fish on maggots with a size 14 hook,ive seen them before but my mate said wot the **** is that lol,was going to take it home and put it in his pond but it climbed out of our landing net while we was not looking.


going to have a go at making a cray fish trap myself soon i think knowing how many u cought pete :D

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  • 1 year later...

Me and a couple of mates went out a few nights ago in the thames, just with string, rock and a chunk of economy bacon tied on, caught 46 of them in about an hour and a half, we had 10 lines running, sometimes hauling in 2 crayfish in a go, worth bringing a net (wedidn't) as we lost several trying to pull them outof the water, just drop the line back in and you can try again, they aren't very bright. We kept them in a bath for a day, ate as many as we could be bothered to deshell and released some into a pond in one of the colleges here :lol:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Me and a couple of mates went out a few nights ago in the thames, just with string, rock and a chunk of economy bacon tied on, caught 46 of them in about an hour and a half, we had 10 lines running, sometimes hauling in 2 crayfish in a go, worth bringing a net (wedidn't) as we lost several trying to pull them outof the water, just drop the line back in and you can try again, they aren't very bright. We kept them in a bath for a day, ate as many as we could be bothered to deshell and released some into a pond in one of the colleges here :)

From the Thames? ewwww :lol:

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