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hides !


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is this what happens when i add a topic?

(shot down in flames)?

is this personal?


not sure how to take it

Chill man thoses are the kindest reply's ive seen yet.


Think about it 'shooting pigeons from inside a tent' what would you see.


You could have had the **** taken out of you big time instead the lads where kind as you are a newbie.


Your in good company as long as your not takin the ****.


Stay loose

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Here we go buckle in lads this will be a bumpy ride. Lanber if you had explained yourself properly in the first place you would of avoided all this the lads were trying to give you constructive criticism. And as for blowing your own trumpet mate "ive forgotten more than they will ever know" :D :yawn: we always learn mate so chill and relax if you cant take some constructive criticism explain yourself better in future.


all the best


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I went and looked immediately you posted.


I saw 110 fishing bivvys and umbrellas, none of which were suitable for hides.

A few things like sleeping bags, that shouldn't have been in that category.

There were also two Army cammo tarpaulins and a Realtree Advantage Timber Hide/Screen, which I have criticised loads of times on here.

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do you want my glasses?

old chinese pervert say "look and you will see the bloody thing !"

cant miss it .......................5foot high (and some ) for gods sake.


any way.................your loss not mine..................

dont have to prove my self to the likes of you ..................

forget it ................

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It,s good to have Lanber on here. (assume named after his gun!! Sure he,ll inform us that it is by far the best gun, kills at 200 yards, 100%)

I,m sure we will glean untold knowledge from his immeasurable experiences at shooting & fieldcraft.

Perhaps he should have his own forum section.

Then again I read him as possibly some sort of "anti" trying to wind everybody up. Seen it before.


5ft high tent!! deduct about 28ish inches for the gunbarrels, makes him about 32 " high if he can stand and shoot!! :D


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