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It's not ethical but still ....

Yorkshire Pudding

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I have decided that i will create a few new accounts on the forum . I will only use these accounts when somebody disagrees with me over a point .

I will use my other accounts to prove that i was correct , by agreeing with myself .

I will also use these accounts to ask myself questions and offer advice to myself , which i think will make me look really good . :lol:



all the best yis yp :D

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I agree with HH mate,which is strange because he is usually slagging my pictures,.... you need to get a life..YP :lol:


Or get out shooting more if you have that sort of time on your hands, but if you did what your talking about then you would look good after you tell yourself that your ideas are just amazing and you must be the best gun on the forum.. :D



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is this a hint that you are uterly bored, get a job.. :lol:



I assume you've read all the threads . Your fantastic reply does go to show one thing to my highly tuned intellect .



I've never thought about the brian/Antia thing , but now i think about it .You do have a point sir !


all the best yis yp :D

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