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I need a man

Mrs Sweepy

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Hail o mighty eggheads

i am a just a poor humble wench.

in need of your great wisdom.


put my on the right road to greater knowledge.

My story begins.


right its my dear old mums birthday on thursday.

and like all mums .you NEVER know what to get then .

when it comes to top ten list of things that cause me the most stress .

finding mum a birthday gift is in the top three.

just behind moving house . :lol:

and giving birth :lol: .

anyway this year i have a idea .

so this is were i need your help .

do any of you wise old owls know about these Digital Photo Frames. or better still has anyone got one .

and are they any good .

i have just look online .which has now left me feeling bewildered,scared,and slighty hysterical. :lol:

so please if anyone can help me or recommend me one. please do .


just think of it as you good turn for the day .

i mean just think of that poor shop assistant .

whos going to have to come face to face with mrs sweepy tomorrow .and her quest for knowledge ;):D

do any poor innocent soul really deserve that .


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They are good, but you need to go for 10" or bigger :D;)


Again, they are alot of money for what they are.


Also, ensure that what pictures you put into it are of high pixel setting otherwise they don't look the best.


Lastly, who will be loading the pics? I know if I got my Mum one, she wouldn't have a clue how to set it up.


Hope that helps.



Edited by tartinjock
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My Mum received one for Christmas from my Nephew and it's spot on it works very well.


I Spent a week scanning old photo's onto the computer and re sizing them and converting them to fit the frame and though it was hours n hours of tedious graft it was well worth the look on Mum's face ;)

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My advice would be to take a card to the shop/s with some pictures you are familiar with and try it out in the frames before you buy.


I presume your mum has a digital camera, though it doesn't need to be the same, its nice to be able to take out the storage card from the camera and straight onto the photo frame.


There are hundreds of photo frames to choose from, obviously the well known branded ones are higher priced, but if you go into one of the large electrical retailers you won't go too far wrong. They have their own 'unknown' brands and though some great bargains can be had on the net, at least you can try them out and can walk back into the shop if there are problems.


good luck



nearly forgot, to save some money, go into the large retailer try them out, then go onto their website and order from there; Same product, same shop, cheaper price......

Edited by Cosd
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Bought one for my parents at Christmas. Dixons' finest.


Bought 2 x 1 gigabyte cards at the same time.


Now I can take almost hourly pics of the grandchildren and send the card to M&D who send the "old" one back for refilling.


They love it and it's very little hassle - all they - have to do is change the card.

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well guys

what can i say

but i got a bargain(well i think so anyway) :yahoo: .

went into well known electrical shop .

found one i like 10" the full works (actually the only thing i think it cant do is make a cup of tea) :good:

stood there for a few mins with my well practice .help am a little lady whos really knows nothing about electrical appliance look .

and ended up with three shop assistants serving me (now thats even a record for me ) :crazy: .

anyway the one i like was originally price at £149.00. but it was knock down to £129.00.

so guess what my nice three salemen let me have it for £89.00.

so i left the shop a very happy lady .


so all i have to do now is work out how it works .

and load some pics on for my mum .

this could be the tricky bit .

making sure i dont download the wrong pics :crazy:

there are somethings you just dont want to share with your mum :drinks:



p.s Thank you guys

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