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lazey ferret


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has anyone come across a ferret as lazey as this .went out to clean and feed water the ferrets this morning and was doing the lower cage with a gill and hob in and i could hear a groaning noise from the top hutch and thought what **** is up with the gill in the top hutch so i opened it .she was in her bed not a stir from her so i gave her a poke nothing then i started to think the worst so i reached for her tail and tugged her out she came out as if she was dieing no life what so ever .i just left her for a secound rattled my brains as to what is wrong and she just streached out yawned came to life she was sound asleep and snoreing like a gooden ? never came across a ferret snoreing in a deep deep sleep like this before has anyone else.odd i think

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I took my young hob for the snip last week when i collected him the vet said he's the most laided back ferret they had seen they put him in there cages next to a rabbit and he went to sleep when they took him out for his op he curled up in the fold of her arm a sat watching everything Lazy big ***

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Its funny to look back now but my lad often does the ferrets for me depending on what shift im working and just as i was going out the door i saw him running round to the dog run and dunk a jills head in a water bowl she was in a deep sleep and he thought she was dying .She opened her eyes and it was like she was saying WHAT THE F8CK

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If they`re well fed and getting on in years, 4-5 yrs old, then they seem to be comatose at times, my 13yr old spaniel is like that now and only some of it is attributable to deafness.

Yep, my cocker is twelve now, she still behaves like a puppy for the whole day when out beating or shooting, she just sleeps soundly for two days after!

She, like most spaniels has always had selective hearing, i.e. "I don't want to do that so I didn't hear it", but now she is almost totally deaf.

Does anyone know if this is caused by hearing gunshots for most of their lives, or do all dogs suffer from deafness in old age, as do most people? I would imagine that being close to the gun has accelerated the problem.

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