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Fat boy Prescot


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Does he honestly think anyone either cares or believes he had bulimia ? The sooner he joins that dinosaur Banks the better, hopefully he will take livingstone with him. I have not danced for joy since Banks did us all a favour, when toady goes I shall be ballrooming his grave :good:

Edited by digger
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Does he honestly think anyone either cares or believes he had bulimia ? The sooner he joins that dinosaur Banks the better, hopefully he will take livingstone with him. I have not danced for joy since Banks did us all a favour, when toady goes I shall be ballrooming his grave :hmm:


Isn't Bolemia when you throw up what you eat? he doesnt look like he's thown up much to be quite honest!!



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Isn't it funny how these types of revelations come out when someone wants to punt their new book :hmm:


No one knew he had it except for his wife who managed to get him to go and see somebody about it - yeah? I thought there was a reason for him having that affair - I thought it was lust and chance - not Bulimia! :hmm:


How big would he have been without the health issue then? Might he then have been called Johnny four jags?



Pushkin :good:

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I read that the definition of an Anorexic is someone

who looks at them self in the mirror and thinks they

are fat..


Theres me thinking I'm a fat tw*t when all along

I'm Anorexic.


If it was not for heros like prestcot faceing humiliation

and rejection Anorexic's like me would continue to think

we were fat :hmm::hmm:



Edited by taz24
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The Fat Man is trying to sell his memoirs, rather than tell us how a no talent slug rose to one of the top jobs in the land and abused just about every aspect of our trust, he turns himself into a "victim" to try to get sympathy and understanding.

This is a common strategy of life's losers.


No doubt in the sequel, he will tell us he was abused as a child. :hmm:

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The Fat Man is trying to sell his memoirs, rather than tell us how a no talent slug rose to one of the top jobs in the land and abused just about every aspect of our trust, he turns himself into a "victim" to try to get sympathy and understanding.

This is a common strategy of life's losers.


No doubt in the sequel, he will tell us he was abused as a child. :hmm:

Cran, you must be a mind reader, took the words out of my mouth.


How the hell can anybody be bulimic and weigh 20 stone?? (Unless bulimia is Latin for fat *******.)

Dictionary definition of bulimia;


"An eating disorder, common especially among young women of normal or nearly normal weight, that is characterized by episodic binge eating and followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. It is often associated with measures taken to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, the use of laxatives, dieting, or fasting. Also called bulimarexia, bulimia nervosa."


:hmm: Does that really sound like a description of our hero? :good::yes:

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"An eating disorder, that is characterized by episodic binge eating and followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation."


I'd certainly be depressed if i was him, what a loser.

Who's he kidding about having an eating disorder, i saw him licking his lips when that egg was thrown in his face, the fat ****.

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