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My 12yr old has been on at me all winter about getting out to the foxes so on sat night i said yes,it was supposed to be the last night out until autumn but thats another story.We set off at about 10pm on foot and came across this fellow at midnight,shot taken at about 90yrds,daughter was well pleased,must be a chip off the old block! :D My youngest daughter,8yrs,is completely the opposite,when i am looking through the sporting pictures and she sees a picture of a dead fox she comes over and hits me! :yes: Please bear this in mind the next time you guys post!

Like i said this was going to be the last trip out for a while but i got word today from a smallholder who keeps chickens that there are two foxes giving him grief, they are even turning up through the day,so this will have to be dealt with first before we pack it in for the summer :angry:


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Dazza i have been waiting for a fine day to get you down for a shot but it has been **** weather lately.

Now that the evenings are longer we will get organised and have a good crack at it,i will give you a ring.

I was out tonight,no foxes but took a rabbit at 180yrds,the .222 really is an accurate round

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Nice shooting its good to get them involved (if they want to that is).


I have 2 boys 7&11 one likes shooting the other aint bothered (yet).


The best way I found to introduce them to foxing was on a summers evening waiting till sunset when the foxes start to move. I think the promise of a cola and crisps at the pub after was partly the reason why he wanted to come along though.


Keep up the good work.

Edited by william
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