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How much worse has it gotten for you Chaps?

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I think the basic "gun control" we have of SGC and FAC licensing is correct.

I would like to see air weapons licensed in a similar way.

The banning of "personal protection" handguns and "assault weapons", is also correct IMO (neither of which has ever been legal in the UK in modern times).


Its the banning of "competition" handguns that I think is ludicrous and something that should be repealed.

The current licensing controls all legally held weapons and only draconian sentencing by the courts will dissuade the ownership/use of non legally held weapons.


The ban on hunting with hounds and all the accompanying nonsense of the use of working dogs is a complete farce and should also be repealed.

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I think what I found most disturbing, was the gentleman who is serving prison time for defending his home. I am pretty sure that this piece was done by the NRA, so it won't be very objective, but the bottom line is true, it seems that the criminals are the ones with the upper hand. I am not here to say whether or not your gun laws are right or wrong, it is your Great Nation, but I will say that here I am thankful that I can have a permit to carry a handgun, or I can carry one in the open with no permit. The Supreme Court of our land have ruled at least once that our police forces have no obligation to protect citizens, they are there to take action after the law has been broken. Contrary to popular believe, the issuing of permits, and the increase in concealed weapons has not caused a rise in violence, it has had quite the opposite effect, makes the criminal think twice, and now a few states have passed "Castle" Doctrine laws, making it legal to defend your home with deadly force, makes a criminal think twice, and has led to a drop in break-ins in those states. I would never want to shoot a human being. I am however, thankful that I have the right to defend myself and my loved ones against attack, I prefer to keep my shooting in the realm of targets, or the legal hunting of game, on that note in October of this year I will be hunting Oryx here in New Mexico. Cheers



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In the UK people have been arrested and put in prison for defending themselves against intruders. This is a complete farce where the criminals have more rights than the victim. Americans need to ensure that such erosions of thier basic rights are not allowed. In my opinion if you do not break into somones home / car then you will be ok. Once you choose to break the law by breaking into someones home or vehicle. Any rights you would have had as a law abiding citizen are null and void. I am sure it will not be long in the UK till a burglar sues a homeowner for injuries they recieved while breaking into property :sly:

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The UK situation isn't as bad as made out. I like the fact that anyone can't buy a gun in the supermarket. The US is treading a thin line at the moment with right to bear arms vs the number of shootings by nutters. Here at least its a bit harder to get hold of a gun and you're unlikely to go out equipped with a semi automatic arsenal you've bought for the occasion.

With our right to defend ourselves the rules are set out and I hate the fact Tony Martin is held as any kind of example, he had an illegal gun lay in wait in a house that looked deserted and un lived in and when he surprised the guys they ran and he shot them in the back. In our law posessing an illegal gun even if you don't use it has the penalty of prison.

If we have reason to defend ourselves in our home and do so in self defence even if it ends in lethal force there will be an investigation but you will get off the charge.

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We took it up the chuff because we were terrified of losing everything we had, at the time the gov

were after a complete ban,but if youve noticed we take everything up the chuff living here,we sit

back and get envious about every other country in the world having it better than us and do nothing

about it.This countrys well gone to the dogs allready, and we sit and bleat and do nothing about it,the

idiots have thier pistols and mach tens just watch the documentaries or the news, every week a kid or

two gets shot with one, as for being hard to get a pistol just walk into the roughest bar in any city and ask

go to the royal armoury in leeds and look at some of the stuff took off people by the police in thier display.

.A recent drugs raid uncovered 30-40 pistols and auto rifles and all the ammunition to start a war

etc up in newcastle,a documentary on liverpool showed a kid 11 years old flashing a smith@wesson 357

and another with a sorn off rifle which they were proud to show the reporters think panorama.Everyone

tells us to fight for our rights so we do a one day march 2-3 weeks camping in london might have got a better

response.Did the irish government ban thier pistols ? why not? because lads I know there wouldnt have stood for it

and they would have stopped the country. :sly:

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Add to that, we can never seem to rally together as one body. Everyone defends their own corner at the expense of the other disciplines and we can include fishing and foxhunting in that statement. As a result of this "silo mentality" they attacked hunting and got it banned, there's always mumblings about fishing so I prophesise that will get it sooner or later.


We're easy targets because if we don't obey the law rigidly we risk losing our licenses. Anti's play on that fact.


If we'd been French this would never have happened.

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The french know who runs thier country and wont tolerate the rubbish we put up with

smoking ban (pah) underage drinking (pah) fuel prices (dont buy it) if it gets stupid

they do something about it, we go regularly to a friend who lives there and they cant

believe were still living here, (but its sooo expensive you must be very rich) yeah.

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If the criminals had not broken into Tony Martins house, they would not have been shot at. Simple really. :sly:



his house was pretty much deserted it could have been someones kids being mischievous. Had it been a legal gun and he was defending himself I'd say different but he wasn't. We really need to drop him and find a better example as he won't get us any where.

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We have had some pretty bad shootings over here in the last year, the odd thing is all of these shootings have taken place in "GUN FREE" zones, where LAW ABIDING citizens are left defenseless, and the criminal intent upon wreaking destruction and mayhem has free reign to do as he or she wants. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. As far as Mr. Martin's case goes, I will say I do not know the particulars, if he did indeed shoot them in the back, it is hard to claim self-defense, it was reported however that both of the individuals had long track records of breaking the law, this wasn't a case of simple mischief, these were well rehearsed criminals no doubt looking for an easy score, wasn't what they found. As I said before, I have no intention of bashing the UK's gun laws, not really my business to meddle in your affairs, I am very thankful that we have the Constitutional protections we have, and I am hopeful that our Supreme Court will rule in our favor next month when it comes to the issue of our 2nd Amendment to our Bill of Rights. My 1911 has been my constant companion for quite some time, and I have never had to draw it, there have been a couple of late night instances where it was a great reassurance in a dark parking lot when faced with a number of gang members, but I practice no eye contact, and generally don't acknowledge them.



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