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price of lead

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The price of cartridges is unlikely to fall in the long term (or probably in the short term for that matter). Lead is mostly used for car batteries, lbs & lbs of it apparently, and all the time we (the rest of the world) and now the Chinese and Indians economies are moving forward the demand for cars is gonna get greater and greater. Think on it...a few years ago a privately owned vehicle in China was unheard of, now there’s MILLIONS (maybe even BILLIONS) of ‘em who want and can probably afford one and whilst it might be a long way from the standard we’re used to it’ll still contain a battery!

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Exactly True!! China and India are building factories and hotels and such like at a huge rate, they seem to want all the materials they can get. I heard recently from a local farmer that any scrap metal, wire, rubbish is worth a mint. So even if you have a rusting old pile of junk in the corner of a barn, in a field or anyhwere then it is worth getting it to a scrap dealer, it should more than cover off the extra £££ for the cartridges.


I got some 8 shot Competition X recently for £33.50.



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