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how much for a shotgun ?


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How much do you reckon you could pick up a semi or a pump shotgun for guys ?


I just got my shotgun application in today and am looking into how much a gun is going to cost. Appreciate any tips on what type/ make to get. Dont really have a ton to spend. I read into it and apparantly in this age the pump action is the most common shotgun being used and would probally be the cheapest.


Looking mostly at 12 gauge. Appreciate help and such guys. Phoned the local gunshop they said a Escort pump was £320 and the semi auto was about £400.


Appreciate help guys :hmm:

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Well it was just generally reading up on shotguns to get more knowledge about them before buying one, although may have been an American article. I think they are more commonly used over there.


O/U and S/S are rather expensive arent they ? I thought a pump may be cheaper ? Appreciate tips.

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If you’re happy to go second hand then you can get an O/U or S/S which is in your price range. A good OU or SS new would cost you more than £1000. I would recommend you start with an O/U of good quality, such as a browning or Mariko to name a few, buy it second hand. In the USA they prefer semi auto and auto shot guns, but then there Americans :hmm:


It depends what you want to use the gun for as well, if you ever want to do any formal game shooting they will not approve of you using an auto shotgun, primarily for safety reasons. (You can see when an OU is unloaded, cant with an auto).


In the end it’s up to you, but I would recommend going for an OU shotgun made by a reputable gunsmith. Go to a gun shop and GET A GUN THAT FITS YOU, I can’t stress this enough. If you start shooting with a gun that doesn’t fit then you will develop bad habits that will be with for until the day you die, although buying a gun over the net sounds appealing I would advise against it, unless you have tried the model of gun you are looking at in a gun shop/club.


Due to your price range you will probably have to scout around a bit for a good quality second hand gun that fits you, but it will be worth it.


OU 12g are the most common guns in the UK, and the reason is they are versatile, accurate and relatively easy to maintain.


I would recommend that you go down this path.






James :P

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Hmm I can see why some people dont like the semi-autos then. Does the same apply for a pump action. Just the noise from a pump action is nice enough, let alone the gun. For a first gun atm I wouldn't mind somethign cheap and cheerful. I dont expect the gun to last me a life time and am looking for something to know around a bit and get a good use out of.


If I had a £1000 S/S or O/U I would be devistastated if it even got dirty. Im just looking for something easy at first and planning on working my way up. I do intend to move into rifles but was advised to start of with a shotgun.


Appreciate the help so far guys. cheers :lol:

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I just bought my first shotgun, a Miroku 6000. It's a really nice gun, about 25 years old, looks brand new and i paid £530 for it. I'd been looking for ages and I'm glad I waited for the right gun (it was in the same shop for £695 a couple of months earlier!). There's loads of decent O/U guns available for under £500, maybe try looking at the Winchester 101 if you fancy a cheaper version of a Browning or Miroku. Have a look on www.guntrader.co.uk you'll get a better idea of what you can afford, and like. I have to say that I agree with everyone else in that a pump isn't the right way to go, especially if you want it because of the sound of the cycle!

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Just been out using an O/U and they are MINT! haha, probally going to look into getting one of those. Was a winchester sport O/U I believe. Shooting #6 shot. I took 4 crows, it was my first time out. Must of missed about 5 and missed opportunities on about 5 haha. Was a good outing mind.


Also managed a nice group on the .17 HMR, the guy I went out with BOTCH from here hit 2 rabbits with it, both headshots. Cracking guns, also had a go of his mates S/S 12 guage. Think double barrel is for me now haha. Cracking guns!

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Just been out using an O/U and they are MINT! haha, probally going to look into getting one of those. Was a winchester sport O/U I believe. Shooting #6 shot. I took 4 crows, it was my first time out. Must of missed about 5 and missed opportunities on about 5 haha. Was a good outing mind.


Also managed a nice group on the .17 HMR, the guy I went out with BOTCH from here hit 2 rabbits with it, both headshots. Cracking guns, also had a go of his mates S/S 12 guage. Think double barrel is for me now haha. Cracking guns!


I personally prefer shooting with a OU, and I think it is better to start with an OU as I stated in my previous post, they are nice guns. I own a Browning OU 525 12g which I paid £1200 for, new. You can get the same gun second hand, about 10-20 years old in beutiful condition for about a third of what I paid for it.


It is nice that you have come round to our way of thinking :good:


No offence to people who shoot with semi autos or pump action guns, I just dont think it is the right first gun to own.

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what kind of prices are the O/U's out there then guys ? Im hopefully starting my summer job soon to be able to afford one :good: Need to get saving. Not looking to go much over 300-400 quid! wish I could! Also needs to be a multi-choke really so it wont be limited! :good: cheers for the top info so far!

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what kind of prices are the O/U's out there then guys ? Im hopefully starting my summer job soon to be able to afford one :hmm: Need to get saving. Not looking to go much over 300-400 quid! wish I could! Also needs to be a multi-choke really so it wont be limited! :good: cheers for the top info so far!



You will get a good used gun for £250 to £350. They do say that you get

what you pay for but like everything with a choice you will get different

opinions and you will see a lot of gun snobery.


I am still looking for "the right gun" I love the idea of a semi auto

and I now own one but my score on the clays has dropped by half.


There will always be people that tell you their gun is the best gun in

the world, but what they think is a good gun may be your worst gun.


Guns are a bit like cars in the sense that some people will only drive

a certain type or make of car, but we all know that all cars do exactly

the same job they move you from A to B.


Guns do not move you around there purpose is to hit somthing that is infront

of you. All guns will hit the target but some will do it better and with more

style. Its the same as some cars are more reliable and stylish than others.


Go for a good quality mid to upper range used gun. Different people will tell

you different guns.


I'm the type of person that watches others while they shoot and I take an

interest in their gun. I have had the oportunity to fire countless types and

makes of guns because for the most part shooters a decent types and most

will let you have a go with their beauty if you take an interest and ask.


Good luck £400 will buy both my guns together (what does that say of me :good: ),

so you can find reasonable guns in your price range. I'll sell you both of mine

if you want and then I can buy the new Semi Auto I want :hmm: .


One piece of advice I would give you is find a gun that works for you and stick

with it and have a few lessons with it. I have chopped and changed my guns

and have not been consistant with them and my scores do reflect that :good:

I love it though and I doubt I will ever be good enough to shoot for the UK so

I make the most and enjoy what I do. I will get a gun I want to keep though

and then practice with it.


I watched some guys practiceing Last thursday and they must of loosed off

about 150 rounds in the short period of time I watched them and they were both

very good, stance, loading always the same almost like a ritual and that is the key

to it I think you need to do it enough times so your body does it with out you thinking

about it, instinctive almost. One of the guys was shooting the clay with his first shot

then he was shooting the largest of the broken clay with his second shot. It was fanstastic

to watch.


Cheers taz.

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