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17-21 year olds and knives


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Hello all


I saw the recent news about any 17-21 year olds carrying knives will automatically have to go to court. As many of us have to carry knives while going shooting or coming back from shooting i wonder what the police will make of this. I for one dont want to have to go to court because i was on the way back from working with the keeper or shooting rabbits.

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there was a thread about this from BASC in the week. if you have good reason to have a knife that is legal in this country, you will be fine. If not, you wont.


Stabbing the guy who stole your Ipod is not good reason to be carrying a knife. returning from work as a keeper or from a hunting/shooting trip is.

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not that the "guy who stole your ipod" doesnt deserve some sort of retribution lol... personally this is quite worrying as i queried a friend about a large blade that folds out for grallacking (dont know the proper spelling) deer when i tried his "real tree" jacket on the other week and it was in the pocket.

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I don't know about you guys but I'm starting to get a little tired of all the talk of knife crime and bogeyman-buzzwords like 'knife culture'...


My dad bought me my first knife at the tender age of 6. A small brass lock knife with teak slabs. Years later it was upgraded to a larger version of the exact same model. It served me well and I never left the house without it... until the day they banned knives. I, like you, never stabbed anyone... or even thought of stabbing anyone. It now seems that none of us can be trusted.


Me thinks that legislation and automatic court hearings are not a cure for a society where nobody has any respect for anyone else.

Edited by harpo_the_bad
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i dont think they will be bothered if you have a knife, along with bags of rabbit, and a rifle,ect. knives are not a problem, kids are. you young lads posting on here, are the future decent adults. we all know the "type" who carry knives for the wrong reason. i know the law can somethimes be an ***, but they will do the right thing most of the time :blink:

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Surely if you have a SGS or a rifle cert then you carrying a knife is the least of their worries.


If you are safe with a rifle which is cappable of taking life from 1000's of yards away then a knife is a bit useless....



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There are far more legitimate uses for a knife than there are illegal. As said above and according to the law if you have one in your shooting bag in a field its different from in your pocket in a nightclub. I cant see any other alternative than to be more strict on knife carrying.Then again there have been plenty of murders of some poor dad being used as a trampoline by a gang of kids. Hopefully the cops will use the power wisely.

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I don't know about you guys but I'm starting to get a little tired of all the talk of knife crime and bogeyman-buzzwords like 'knife culture'...


My dad bought me my first knife at the tender age of 6. A small brass lock knife with teak slabs. Years later it was upgraded to a larger version of the exact same model. It served me well and I never left the house without it... until the day they banned knives. I, like you, never stabbed anyone... or even thought of stabbing anyone. It now seems that none of us can be trusted.


Me thinks that legislation and automatic court hearings are not a cure for a society where nobody has any respect for anyone else.



Shooters aren't an issue what is is young chavs carrying knives in cities and I think the government has to act and get some banged up along with a lot of stop and searches going on. The last thing I want on a night out in town is some young idiot pulling a knife on me its unacceptable to carry them for defence. There are a lot out there who do carry them and do end up using them.

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Shamelessly stolen from the BASC site;


It is now ILLEGAL to have any sharply pointed or bladed instrument in your possession, in a

public place without good reason or lawful authority.

A public place is anywhere that the public has, or is permitted to have access to, even if they must

pay to do so. This not only covers areas such as roads and highways, shops, and pubs but also less

obvious areas. This is important to realise for those working or spending leisure time in the

countryside, as public footpaths or other rights of way come under the definition of a public place.

Estate land where the public may have access is also a public place even if it is privately owned.

Your car or other vehicle is also classed as a public place whilst on the highway, and the police

now have search and seize powers without warrant with respect to knives.

Good reason for carrying a knife may be shown by occupation as a farmer, estate manager,

recreational stalker, gameshooter, angler or anyone else who has reasonable grounds for expecting

to need a knife whilst pursuing a lawful activity.

Leaving a knife in the car, or in your pocket for when you next go shooting, or forgetting that it is

there, is NOT a defence.

Carrying a knife in public must be in connection with the activity for which it is needed; going into

a shop with a knife in your pocket if you are returning from or going to a place where you farm,

fish or shoot etc. would constitute good reason.

There is an exemption in law for folding pocket knives. These must have cutting edges of less than

three inches and blades which do not lock. However when pocket knives of this type are carried

for example in a nightclub, at a school or to a football match they are likely to be viewed as

offensive weapons even though the actual knife isn’t an offensive weapon in itself.

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Shooters aren't an issue what is is young chavs carrying knives in cities and I think the government has to act and get some banged up along with a lot of stop and searches going on. The last thing I want on a night out in town is some young idiot pulling a knife on me its unacceptable to carry them for defence. There are a lot out there who do carry them and do end up using them.


Yes, I do agree with you. Especially that more offenders need to be locked up.


However, someone I know has been in court last week because he was in a night club when someone who took offence to him, tipped his drink out and *literally* ripped his face off with a pint glass. You couldn't have even made that much mess with a knife.


If all knives magically disappeared over night then the problem would still be here tomorrow because the problem with the way people act in this country is more serious than having access to knives.

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Unfortunately there's a bad element in all societies and alwas has been. The trouble today with everything being banned as a way of stopping the misuse it doesn't work (aka handguns) and the police are slowly being given the powers to arrest/prosecute anyone carrying anything deemed illegal. In the eyes of this government and their do gooder supporters they'd like to see the police able to say if you are in possession of a knife gun etc etc then you're a criminal. Makes life so much easier for brain dead plods as logical thoughts go out the window! :good:

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whilst its ok people saying "if you have a ligit reason for it and the knife is legit you wont be botherd" but do the police know this imh the police dont know their head from their **** with a lot of things other than things car related.

i got a the police called on me last weekend shooting and he asked what kind of gun i was useing when i said shot gun he looked at me for a second befor radioing for back up :good: i said hold on i have a certificate witch he looked at and then said "if oyu never had this i would have never have belived a 17 yearold can have a air gun let alone a shotgun" yeh the police realt know their laws ehh? :sly::good:

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Unfortunately there's a bad element in all societies and alwas has been. The trouble today with everything being banned as a way of stopping the misuse it doesn't work (aka handguns) and the police are slowly being given the powers to arrest/prosecute anyone carrying anything deemed illegal. In the eyes of this government and their do gooder supporters they'd like to see the police able to say if you are in possession of a knife gun etc etc then you're a criminal. Makes life so much easier for brain dead plods as logical thoughts go out the window! :good:



to be fair though why should you be walking arround town with a knife in your pocket. Maling possesion in a public place an offence allows them to do something about it. As stated with the BASC statement if you have the need to carry one then its fine I can't see what the problem is really its all about making it clear to the public and police alike. If you give too many reasons allowed for carrying one then there will be no way of stopping it

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One of the problems is 'walking around town' isn't the only 'public place' you can be causing an offence in. I wear a knife (Kershaw) and a multi tool (Leatherman) on my belt almost every day when 'out in the field' which might often be in a 'public place' under their definitions.

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One of the problems is 'walking around town' isn't the only 'public place' you can be causing an offence in. I wear a knife (Kershaw) and a multi tool (Leatherman) on my belt almost every day when 'out in the field' which might often be in a 'public place' under their definitions.

Not a problem at all;


"Carrying a knife in public must be in connection with the activity for which it is needed; going into

a shop with a knife in your pocket if you are returning from or going to a place where you farm,

fish or shoot etc. would constitute good reason."

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To be honest you have got to find a very grumpy or stupid copper that will do you for carrying a knife if you're obviously a shooting person. Fair enough they might give you a bollcking if you were walking round tescos doing your shopping with a knife on your belt or were just wearing one out of habit but on the whole i cant see us having a problem.

Well that covers most of them in this area. Your example of Tesco's is interesting, it is a criminal act to wear a 4" knife in Tesco's, yet you could have a 10" carving knife in your basket to purchase?

Seriously, I have to agree that it is not going to bother anyone who carries a knife for a legitimate purpose.

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I dont see what the problem is here. This law protects me and my family.


Law says dont carry a knife unless you have good reason.


People on here have good reason. You are not breaking the law.


Why do you want to be able to carry a knife around when you have no reason? Why on earth would anyone want to stick their 6 inch hunting knife on their belt to go out buy a paper?


Do you want to carry your club target pistol around with you when you are not going shooting?



It's a way of getting them out of cirulation and off the streets and sneding a message that carryign them for self defence is not on.


Some of the argumets I'm hearing here are like :


"I don't drink and drive - so why have drink drive laws?"




"there are plenty of people who have car accidents when they are not drunk - so why have drink drive laws?"




"I got breathalysed once and passed, it was a right pain, they needn't have bothered - so why have drink drive laws?"


Laws are for the greater good, not individual convenience.


It's like the man walking along the pavement who who gets knocked over by a bus that's mounted the kerb, so from then on he decides to walk in the middle of the road.

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I dont see what the problem is here. This law protects me and my family.


Law says don't carry a knife unless you have good reason.


People on here have good reason. You are not breaking the law.


Why do you want to be able to carry a knife around when you have no reason? Why on earth would anyone want to stick their 6 inch hunting knife on their belt to go out buy a paper?


Do you want to carry your club target pistol around with you when you are not going shooting?



It's a way of getting them out of circulation and off the streets and sending a message that carrying them for self defense is not on.


Some of the arguments I'm hearing here are like :


"I don't drink and drive - so why have drink drive laws?"




"there are plenty of people who have car accidents when they are not drunk - so why have drink drive laws?"




"I got breathalysed once and passed, it was a right pain, they needn't have bothered - so why have drink drive laws?"


Laws are for the greater good, not individual convenience.


It's like the man walking along the pavement who who gets knocked over by a bus that's mounted the kerb, so from then on he decides to walk in the middle of the road.

concise and poignant response one i whole wholeheartedly agree with !!!

i live near to Blackpool Not exactly inner city London its a relatively small holiday town now have a look bellow click them !!!! death !!



outside his own door !!!

more !!!


son with knife !!

tbh i am troubled to say that its all to regular occurrence that i read about knife crime in my local paper and there has been occasions when there is 2 stabbings reported on just one day this in town with a listed population of 150,000


im sure this could be said of many towns / city's and you will agree its wrong and we should support any action to reduce such violent crimes and i for one feel that its a step in right direction but i don't see it as a cure and thats a shame !!

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If you dont need a knife for your immediate activities, dont bloody carry one....... simple as that, why would you want to???


I hope every idiot who carries a knife that doesnt need one for what he is doing at the time gets arrested, procecuted and locked up.


If you are carrying a knife in the first place chance's are you are prepared to use it..... therefore lock the fools up :good:


If you need a knife for your activities......









Then fair enough, but you dont need them in flippin tesco do you? or in the middle of town...........


And that is all the law is saying.


This topic has been talked about many times so can we forget it now?:good:?

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I keep a knife in my car, i shoot when i can, but thats not the reason i keep it there, i dont have a job that would involve me using a knife for any reason, its there purely because its handy to have, not for any specific practical use just very general use, be it cutting up fruit or any number of reasons i might need it. And im sure theres still a number of people that might carry one for the same reason, i think it for these people that all this may cause a problem for. I used to have a very small knife i used to keep on my key set, it was only because i had to remove it frequently when catching flights that ive stopped keeping it with me, again im sure many people might be in the same predicament. I know im no threat, and am a sensible law abiding person, but a police officer potentially searching me wouldnt know that, all they would have to go by is im a young man carrying a knife, and with a new law behind them to take action with why wouldnt they? For fear of letting me carry on about my day under MY say so and me going on to commit a crime with it, much too risky from their perspective. But where would it stop, having a knife in my car im just as much fo a threat as if its in my pocket surely? :good:

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Sadly, the Government has done nothing to address the underlying causes of violent crime. A civilised society has nothing to fear from citizens armed with knives, guns or howitzers for that matter.


Successive governments have created an environment where all personal responsibility is removed, especially from the young. Our society encourages and almost worships a lack of self-control and incontinent self-expression which manifests itself in utter selfishness, rampant egotism and ultimately stabbings over the smallest perceived sleight.


We are impeccably non-judgemental, we do not attempt to inculcate morality or respect for authority, and we watch impotently as the anarchy grows ever greater. We are then grateful when officialdom swoops in with a draconian curtailment of liberty.


I sometimes think that the Goverment welcomes the fear that the public feels, as it enfeebles us and makes us susceptible to the thinly-disguised chains of its hideous totalitarian utopia.


Time for me to lie down, I think.



Yep spot on, exactly my feelings, well, apart from the "thinly-disguised chains of its hideous totalitarian utopia" bit, I'm still pondering that one.

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I keep a knife in my car, i shoot when i can, but thats not the reason i keep it there, i dont have a job that would involve me using a knife for any reason, its there purely because its handy to have, not for any specific practical use just very general use, be it cutting up fruit or any number of reasons i might need it. And im sure theres still a number of people that might carry one for the same reason, i think it for these people that all this may cause a problem for. I used to have a very small knife i used to keep on my key set, it was only because i had to remove it frequently when catching flights that ive stopped keeping it with me, again im sure many people might be in the same predicament. I know im no threat, and am a sensible law abiding person, but a police officer potentially searching me wouldnt know that, all they would have to go by is im a young man carrying a knife, and with a new law behind them to take action with why wouldnt they? For fear of letting me carry on about my day under MY say so and me going on to commit a crime with it, much too risky from their perspective. But where would it stop, having a knife in my car im just as much fo a threat as if its in my pocket surely? :good:



Unfortunately I think that you would be affected by this law if pulled over. the fact that you have a knife in your car for no other reason that "its practical" may well be seen by a police officer as something to have to hand in a road rage incident.



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