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I think they should be incarcerated on Mersea Island for 42 years. They'd beg for deportation then :blink:


Deprived of street lighting, all toilets facing Mecca Bingo, Stag Beetles running riot, MC in residence down the road, the Essex Mafia patrolling the landward side all dressed in pink.


A fate worse than death :good:

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Isnt this all part of the greater plan to try and curry favour from the electorate with a general election on the horizon . Most people in this country (i think ) woukd like to see terrorists and would be terrorists locked up for ever . Without parole or a cushy little prison with all mod cons .

My view is slightly to the right and i think they should all be executed ,preferably with a blow lamp starting from the feet upwards .Let them become martyrs and see how many of them can be rememberd after the first couple of thousand have been topped . Harnser .

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Drip drip drip there go our civil liberties and once they are gone they are gone.


What did it for me was when the old boy kicked off at the labour party conference. The arresting officer didn't know what to hold him under as it wasn't exactly a breach of the peace because he was exercising his democratic right to be heard at a party conference (a party of which he was a member) and so he was booked and held under anti terror legislation.

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Personally I think that it's a shocking destruction of essential safeguards against tyranny. All we receive in return is a transparent lie about making us safer.


To add insult, the Government has been on the kind of bribery and threatening spree that would disgrace a banana republic run by South American generals.


To add further insult, this from a Government that has done so much to expose us to greater danger from terrorism. This ranges from effectively abolishing border controls, so we have little idea whether foreign terrorists are here or not, to supporting blatant preachers of hate with state benefits, to slavishly pursuing a racist and bigoted policy of multiculturalism. This last accompanied by moronic bleating about a lack of integration, and futile hand-wringing over how British citizens could wish to blow up their compatriots.


Magna Carta torn up and defiled by a bunch of careerist cretins who in the real world would struggle to find employment in any capacity other than as coastal anti-erosion barriers or unequipped land-mine clearers.


Inch by painful inch, a nation that perfected the concept of freedom under the law crawls towards dictatorship.









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I think they should be incarcerated on Mersea Island for 42 years. They'd beg for deportation then :blink:


Deprived of street lighting, all toilets facing Mecca Bingo, Stag Beetles running riot, MC in residence down the road, the Essex Mafia patrolling the landward side all dressed in pink.


A fate worse than death :good:



Why dump these people on Essex's answer to the Bahama's


Personally I would rather a terrorist suspect was kept in for questioning for a few extra days than let them out to blow themselves up on a tube train

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