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.410 shotguns


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im thinking of getting a 410 for shooting rats around my mates farm, i was looking at a webly the other day it was a junior, and i thought i could use that and the keep it for my lad even though it will be a couple or 3 years before he is old enough to be using a shotgun, so not sure if i should get a junior one or not, and i want a o/u or sxs that is just like a normal shotgun and not a bolt action or a folding one, so my question is whats out there that meets my requirments,

many thanks, lee

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Bought myself a Baikal s/s for £310, its mint and has had very few carts through it. looked at the yild', nice gun, much more pretty than mine, they start at about £400 ..... my gun will not get that much use so i went for the cheeper alternative in the baikal :good:


I love the little 410, a much underestimated gun, we have small bore driven day and you can only use 410 or 28, and they kill very well, a lot less pricked birds, they are dead or missed.

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cheers for all the answers guys, thats why i was thinking about the webly junior, i kooked at one the other day and it was small and very light, i dont mind it not fitting me cos i wont be using it much and really it will be for my boy to use eventualy, think there about £475, a fair bit cheeper than the browning that tosspot mentioned,


cheers, Lee

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I made a rather embarrassing mistake with my .410 last night, shooting rats and pigeons inside our empty grainstore. I took a rather close shot at an escaping pigeon, which I head-shot, but also punched a clean fist-sized hole through the asbestos roof sheeting. Not clever. Very angry with myself, as I really should have thought before I squeezed the trigger. The hole is easy to patch.


Just a salutary warning about how powerful a .410 is, despite its weedy appearance.

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