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DON'T spend it. Bank will take it back. It could also be some form of a scam... :lol:


do you think it could be some sort of scam?

I'd be more inclined to think it's some form of clerical error but don't rule out the possibility of it being a scam. Get in touch with your bank asap mate. However, just enjoy any interest it might make till they sort it out.

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Sorry Dazza, that was me. Often pop in to the bank on Picadilly to deposit cheques - very handy when I've been lunching at The Ritz.


Be a good chap and PM me your bank details and I'll rectify the situation asap :lol: .




I wouldn't want to inconvenience you, pm me your account details and I'll make sure it is sent straight back :lol:

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DON'T spend it. Bank will take it back. It could also be some form of a scam... :lol:


Hehehe... Wasn't like that when I used to play Monopoly, bank never took it back then - "Bank error in your favour, receive £20" :lol:


Bankers eh? :lol:

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It will be an error on behalf of the bank, someone deposited £32000 into my account last year, (you can imagen the look on my face when i saw it)


I called the bank straight away and it turned out it was a clerical error, however the bank had to ask for my permission to take it back from my account, so i asked what would happen if i said no you cant and she said, because it was a clerical error and not yours, the bank will have to refund the owner of the money which could of taken up to 3 months to be processed :lol: , the cashier who made the mistake would be dismissed and i would get to keep it :o


But being a good samaritan i told them to take it as the poor girl didnt deserve to loose her job for such a simple mistake :lol:


However the bloke who's money it was instructed the bank to pay me £500 for being so honest :o


That felt sweeter than the 32k,


So mate, i would get in touch with you branch asap :lol:

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I had strange amounts appearing in my account once. I informed the bank and they took no action other than to reassure me it won't happen again. Well it did, several times. It turned out to be dividend payments on shares. I informed the bank the first coupleof times and even closed the account to stop it happening. Imagine my surprise when I received statements months later wih a new balance! To this day the account is still open with me having never paid into it. Sadly the balance is lacking as they seem to have sorted out the leak. About time though. Talk about ignorance.

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If you get any emails asking for you to send half the money back to someone and you get to keep the rest, that is a money laundering scam, in which case you should inform the police.


If you do as the emails say, the plod will have you arested for money laundering....

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