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Me? I was 15, helping the local keeper, and kn0bbing his nephew's daughter. (Well i had to get into keepering somehow!)

Last year of school, so when i was supposed to be studying i was playing truant, following the hunt.

Oh for the blonde hi-lites and permed mullett. Puma trainers and football slat jackets, I LOVED THE 80's!!!!!!!!

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Just started work as a post boy in the city, discovered ladies in a whole new way and spent most of my life at either the Marquee in Wardour Street or Ruskin Arms in East Ham, desperately trying to appear to be 18!!


I think the Ruskin Arms has shut down now, when I worked that ground a few years ago I'm pretty sure it was all boarded up and looking very sad for itself.


In 1984 I was 19 and working for an agric contractor prior to going to Cannington college to do an ND Ag , (which I dropped out of 'cos of a very attractive HND Hort who moved to London and has been the missus for 22yrs).


Nights out were spent at Oscars night club at Longleat, Gold Diggers in Chippenham and The Hunters Lodge, just off the A303. When we weren't there, we were doing "road trips" round all the locals, or watching the "Young Ones" on telly :yes:


I had hair down to my shoulders and drove a calf scour coloured mini which handbrake turned brilliantly - oh happy days, (although I frightened the life out of the kids the other day when I handbraked the Modeo estate ;) ).



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Still at school enjoying being a 14yr old.


bought my 1st house for �3300- yes threethou threehundred quid.


Can still buy a house in Hudds for that now can't you ???

Or a street if you wanted to live in the posh part. :lol:


was a 1 up1 down cottage ,needing renovation on the rural edge of town, that same house sold for £199K with an added porch & garage added, 3 mth ago!!.. ;)


if only i knew then :yes: ...retirement arrrrrrrrrrr

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