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Imagine for a second I invented a gun that had instead of a stock, knife blades, realy ******* jaggedy ones that had been pre-treated with komodo dragon poo and were barbed and rusty. The gun when fired would shoot in all directions, including backwards and even being near the gun would make you smell of wee for weeks.

What I hear you ask would be the point of this gun and what, I hear you ask would be the guns name.


The point of it I would not be able to tell you but the name; the american bulldog gun would be its moniker. an absolutely pointless waste of time, serving no function other than to make every other person living in the same county unswervingly nervous.

what a complete waste of blood and organs these creatures are. Bred by ******** who believe that a massive big horrible inbred, crossbred (and I would be cross) unstable dog whose sheer power is almost impossible to control for puposes of intimidation and 'spect.

I am not a man who calls for the banning of stuff at a whim but these psychopathic creatures should not be sharing this earth with other species.

Some may say dont blame the dog, they are only products of their owners and I agree, They are, but I still feel that they serve no purpose whatsoever,

the breed has not filled in a niche in a fairly niche free dog world.

They are simply another way of flouting the dog laws in Britain and I do not know what purpose they serve.


Guard dog? Get a Rotty, Alsation, Doberman or a flock of geese.


Really mentally imbalanced uncontrollable bitey bast*rd? An American Bulldog


I really, really dont like them.


P.S i really dont. remember mad max 3 where that big scary bloke in the thunderdome turns out to be a bit you know, after Max has killed him. That bloke if he was a dog, etal

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How do you make an American Bull Terrier?

why would you?

what purpose do they serve that other breeds dont.


We could as so many people do breed an oversized Stafford with a mastiff but why.

So you can look a bit hard?

Dogs are what you make them and these are poorly bred dogs bred by poorly bred people. Not a classic combination.

Do you, Myseneye, even know, without consulting Wikipedia etc, know what an american Bulldog looks like?

thought not.


P.S I am a Stafford owner, love 'em but these creatures(ABT's) are an abomination. They are more powerful than a pit bull but legal. These are the pit bull type dogs that you read about killing other dogs, kids etc

P.P.S youre confused smiley would indicate that you do not know the efficiency of a flock of geese ion protecting property. Again (sigh) consult Wikipedia etc.

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I thought they were illegal anyway, under the Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991, which specifically bans American pit bull terriers. Is it now the case that just by removing the word 'pit' from the description they are deemed OK? I shouldn't imagine that's the case.

In common with most dogs we have today, specific breeds are man made by selective breeding to remove undesirable, and accentuate desirable attributes.

A(P)BT's were specifically bred to fight, thus aggression has been deliberately bred into them, to intentionally produce a set of walking jaws with a hair trigger, which clamps psychotically onto it's target with the tenacity and lethality of mantrap if even slightly disgruntled. Like land mines, they're absolutely harmless until you tread on it's toes.

It never ceases to amaze me that owners appear to be genuinely surprised when they placid, faithful house pet suddenly eats their childrens' faces off, or worse, someone else's.

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Unfortunately under British Law the ABT is not banned because the breed simply did not exist in Britain before the DDA.Not entirely true but the very, very few owners and breeders of ABT's were responsible breeders. Now they are letting any old dog jump on the back of any old bitch simply to breed the biggest dog.

According to some dogs are what you make them, nurture over nature type of thing and you should not generalise about a breed.

Dogs are what you make them but i would not let one near my kids, mother, any of my dogs.possibly my mother in law

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jim, why ask a rhetorical question that you presume you know the answer too, when, sorry, you dont...

i do know what one looks like.

i do know how ferocious geese can be.

i dont need to consult wikepedia...



im not looking for a row mate, but like its been said above, american bulldog and american pitbull terrier's are two different breeds...

i just get a little short when people know the bull breeds... i own a staff bull terrier who people cross the road from.:blink: he's soft as ***** !! really... its the ONLY breed of dog i would have around my 3 year old son.... who torments him silly, but poor little benny just takes the abuse and gives him a loving lick..... they really are inseparable... me and my shadow stuff....

its all to do with how you keep them.... i see some people with them with burberry collars marchinbg them up and down like a trophy, and it sickens me....that dog probably is nasty.... but ours is stupid, over freindly and very tollerable of other people and dogs....


i know that staffs anrt really the same thing as pits, but there not too dissimilar...

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The Dangerous Posts Acts (2008) makes it risky to venture into this thread, but what the hell.


Dogs my wife and I have had.


B&W Mongrel

Staffs x 2




Above all now gone, loved them all to pieces.


At present a Boxer.


I loved your post Jim, your first paragraph is brilliant - but whereas I believe every dog owner should be held rigidly responsible for caring properly for the animal and ensuring it is never a nuisance or danger, I really think my choice of dog is up to me, and I would still think that if I wanted an American Bulldog.


BTW, I do not think any small child should be left alone with any dog, a child is helpless if things get out of hand. All those who want to jump on me about how terrific their dog is with tiny tots will be right, probably. But in those few cases where they are wrong there is tragedy, and we hear about it from time to time in the media.

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in laws have an American PITBULL terrier. the only time it is let off the chain is when its getting walked.

its kept in the garge, and chained to the floor. why do they have it? protection. my father in law can be away for months at a time, so his wife gets a bit spooked, but the chiwuawa they have is of little use.


my views. these dogs are great, but for one thing only. guarding houses ect. should they be alowed to roam with kids? deffo not.

they seem to only think about food and destruction.


im with jim on this one. :blush:

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