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Fox Call

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:blush: Hi after going to the CLA Show I noticed a few different types of caller for foxes, some were the basic widget style while others were more american style, if you know what I mean.

The one that caught my attention was this one: http://www.foxcalluk.co.uk/


Has anyone used one if these and what were the results?


8 out of 10 times I manage to squeak then in but I suppose I just fancy a new toy, I shoud have just bought one there but if it turns out they are any good will just have to order one online and cough up the extra £4.




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I've been using one of these for about a year or so now and they only seem to work after cubs are coming out on their own. Unless i'm doing it wrong it imitates the sound of a hurt pup and that brings in the adults at certain times of year, you can bite down a bit harder and create a high pitched squeal more like a rabbit distress but i've got the wam call for that :blush:

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Dont laugh.I use a balloon, blow it up a bit and pinch the ends between both your thumbs and index finger, and pull outward, you can make it as loud as you like or as quite as you like, 10 for a pound. works better when you have an oppo with you but non the less i have 5 charle to date with it. Try it, it works

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think ive bought every fox call to date,and the wam is tops and maybe the wigeon whistle second,tenterfield third,and even a squeaky out of dogs toy quite good as a mouse squeak.the foxcalluk call,not fussed at all,can make one easy with a bit of film pinched between two lollypop sticks ,sounds exactly the same.and 10 quid cheaper :)

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