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Strange empty folders............

Evil Elvis

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:good: I have a large external hard drive that i store pictures on. I have folders on it that when you move the mouse over them it says empty....however, when you go to felete them it says volume not empty.There are a lot of them and getting annoting. Anyone know how to get rid of them? Im using xp professional. Its not a problem Ive ever had before, they say read only, you cant even cut, then delete them....im a bit baffled?:D:hmm:
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Go into Explorer and click on the Tools menu. Choose folder options and the choose the option View and the choose View/ show Hidden Folders and Files. If that doesn't work it's possible that you have picked up something off t'internet that has installed these folders. You will need to CTRL+Alt+Del and check if any iffy processes are running. Anything you're not sure about, Google it and find out what it is and what it does. You need to stop any of these processes in turn and see what effect, if any, they have on your system. If none, try deleting the folders and files after stopping each process. Best of luck.

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:) I have a large external hard drive that i store pictures on. I have folders on it that when you move the mouse over them it says empty....however, when you go to felete them it says volume not empty.There are a lot of them and getting annoting. Anyone know how to get rid of them? Im using xp professional. Its not a problem Ive ever had before, they say read only, you cant even cut, then delete them....im a bit baffled? :oops::devil:



Your going to felate them :yes::yes::blush: :blink:


Perv :no:





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There is an option in Folder Options that allows you to set whether you wish to view hidden and system files. Makes sure this is ticked. Also you can change the read only status of files by right clicking them and going to the properties, where you should also find a tick box for hidden and read only.

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such an easy one to fix......


Go to shed.....remove clawhammer from toolbox.....

hit said drive 30 - 40 times sharply...

laugh as each piece flies around the room.....

launch drive out of the window....... order new one from web.....


Exactly how long have you been working in the IT sector? Not wishing to sound critical of your obviously well thought out advice, no doubt acquired from many years of experience in IT, but a ball-pein hammer is a far more efficient tool for the job, claws tend to get caught up in the wiring.

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There is an option in Folder Options that allows you to set whether you wish to view hidden and system files. Makes sure this is ticked. Also you can change the read only status of files by right clicking them and going to the properties, where you should also find a tick box for hidden and read only.


Just mind you stay out of the system folders when you start deleting things.


If it was mine, I'd be interested to know what programme created all these hidden files. Maybe the computer has been taken over by a bot net and is now a porn server or something nefarious.

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There is an option in Folder Options that allows you to set whether you wish to view hidden and system files. Makes sure this is ticked. Also you can change the read only status of files by right clicking them and going to the properties, where you should also find a tick box for hidden and read only.


Just mind you stay out of the system folders when you start deleting things.


If it was mine, I'd be interested to know what programme created all these hidden files. Maybe the computer has been taken over by a bot net and is now a porn server or something nefarious.

Get real Evilv!! This is EE here, the whole PC is a porn server, there's nowt else on it!

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There is an option in Folder Options that allows you to set whether you wish to view hidden and system files. Makes sure this is ticked. Also you can change the read only status of files by right clicking them and going to the properties, where you should also find a tick box for hidden and read only.


Just mind you stay out of the system folders when you start deleting things.


If it was mine, I'd be interested to know what programme created all these hidden files. Maybe the computer has been taken over by a bot net and is now a porn server or something nefarious.

Get real Evilv!! This is EE here, the whole PC is a porn server, there's nowt else on it!





Most nefarious...

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