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We are only a small syndicate usually putting down some 300 pheasant and 250 duck, between sunday-monday we were robbed of around 200 pheasants

plus extensive damage to the pen, we will not be getting anymore this season, the wild stock has done pretty well this year with plenty of poults about so thats one consolation.


So guys take care, and beware, there`s plenty of ####s around. :good:

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If the pen was damaged extensively are you sure they were taken rather than anti's letting them out. If its the latter then get the pen repaired asap and start looking for poults they won't have gone too far


Yes we have looked! and yes, they would not have gone far, but no sign at all. There were fresh tyre tracks through the grass, feathers and straw outside the pen........... definately stolen.

We have repaired the pen as there are around 50 birds still inside........... talk of stressed birds.

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Ba***ds! I think we should all take heed from this and if anyone offers Pheasant for sale at reduced prices, 'shop them' to the old plod. How would you feel if it happened to you? When we moved our poults to the release pen it took ages to round them all up and crate them, this was done in daylight, I can only imagine how long it took in the dark and how the birds must have been like.


You have my full sympathy, and I hope the escapees from last year make up for your loses.

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it would be worth buying a trailcam


you would have faces registration and a time to when they took them


could be evidence for prosecution <_<


yep a good idea that man


my farmer has now only one large pen in the wood near his house due to losses in the past when splitting them up

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it would be worth buying a trailcam


you would have faces registration and a time to when they took them


could be evidence for prosecution :good:



Then, the flash would have alerted them and they would probably steal the camera too!


Not if you used an infra red one :lol:


Now there must be people out there who buy these or maybe they steal them for themselves but some one must know who they are and should shop them. It's heartbreaking enough when so much effort goes in to rearing these birds to lose some to disease, predators etc but to have them stolen is the pits. If you buy them you're just as bad, there's no justification for it. Not sportsmen just ****holes!

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Yep, you always look on fellow shooters as one of your own. Its twice as gutty to find that there's some doing that behind their fellows backs.


I'm no expert on the subject by any means, but I could also think of a couple of other possible suspects, not just fellow shooters or antis.

There might be some scrote somewhere selling 'posh kebabs' to their mates in the pub, and I'd also be on the lookout for butchers/game dealers in the area suddenly having a glut on pheasant. Difficult to track down, I admit. :hmm:

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