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A bad name for shooting

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This item showed some particularily bad instances of "Canned Hunting" done by unscrupulous profiteering outfits! Not all captive hunting is like that!I don't know if any of you saw Louis Theroux on BBC 2 a while back. He was in South Africa and I think the hunters made a very good fist of it!All the game was shot in vital areas with precision and there was no suffering! They also lived much better freel ives than abbatoir animals!Obviously this very biased report concentrated on very bad examples while really targeting all who hunt, either fair chase or "Canned". I won't support the authors of all our demise as hunters/shooters! : :good:

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This is the kind of activity that serial killer types would enjoy. Sad to say there are people who have twisted souls and enjoy that ind of thing. They probably like torturing women to death as well.


A long time ago I read in Shooting Times of a comical incident supposed to hav happened in East Germany or Russia where they were organising canned hunting for rich businessmen. In this case, the outfit had been having trouble getting bears for hunters to shoot. The story goes that the wealthy West German businessman was set up in a hide near a cottage in the woods and he was promised a bear would come soon. Sure enough a brown bear ambled out of the woods towards the cottage. Businessman gets ready and is about to shoot when the bear grabbed an old bicycle which was leaning against the cottage wall, mounts it and rides off on it......


That's the gist of the story printed about 1979 in Shooting Times - probably too far fethced to be true, but I really wouldn't put it past these kinds of outfits to lay on retired circus animals for souless people to shoot at.




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I'm sure I've said this before but there is not one game animal big or small on the

face of this planet that I would not shoot for the sport.

But what those guys were doing was possibly the most unsporting type of shooting

I've ever seen in my entire life.

If I was to go out to shoot a lion or a rhino I'd expect to have to stalk it for hours if

not days, that's the whole point.

You work hard to get your 'prize' for use of a better word.


This is just a sad individuals equivalent of walking up to a paper target, placing the

barrel of their gun on the bull, pulling the trigger then declaring how good they

are at shooting because the hit the bull on the target.


Generally these city born animal rights activists **** me right off talking rubbish

about countryside life they have no clue about but these guys raise a very

disturbing point about the mindset of some so called 'hunters'


Personally I wouldn't want to see them shot or jailed, I'd just like to let them know

how much of a *** they were for taking a shot a two year old child could probably

have done better.


Well done guys, real macho!

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As long as there are people prepared to pay, there will be people prepared to arrange this type of shooting.

For me, the most sickening part of this video was the imbecile walking up to the bear feeding on doughnuts, shooting it from five feet with a pistol, and not killing it with a second shot because it would put another hole in the skin.

I would imagine that anybody who was not a shooting person would become anti if they thought that this is how shooting is carried out.

This is just killing for killings sake, and the mentality of those taking part should be questioned.

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AS a yank I take exception to the fact that you gents think we all hunt like that over here . what you saw was probably what is refered to as a canned hunt.Let me assure you I or any one else I shoot or hunt with would NOT condone this BULLS*** :lol:


Not being funny but dont you think that real hunters over there should try to get together and stop this ****? Because all it is going to do is give us all a bad name. Im sure if it went on over here poeple would take action.

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I can't see the video because I'm at work, but I suspect I know what it is from the descriptions.


First, most hunters in the US do not condone canned hunts. It isn't hunting, it isn't sport, it is just killing. The difficulty (and argument) with banning it has been how to define it in a legal sense. If you define it as any enclosed area that is hunted, then you are also taking away most ranches in the south and west, some of which are well over 10,000 acres. I have no problem with an enclosed ranch of 10,000 acres. That is more area that you can effectively hunt in a day. So then you can define a canned hunt by the size of the range, the density of the animals, etc. It is quite complicated, which is why politicians haven't taken care of it yet.


Make no mistake about it though, canned hunts are bad in any form. The vast majority of americans do not support them and many detest them. As a reference, search around the web for the outrage over a highly publicized where Troy Gentry (country music star) shot a bear in a canned hunt. I've linked a press release below as to what happened, but the outrage on the various US hunting sites was huge. What he did was deplorable and he is paying the penalty.






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That clip just highlights all that is wrong about bowhunting. I can't understand what possible advantage a bow offers over several thousand ft/lb of muzzle energy delivered via an expanding bullet. The footage of the gut-shot ram bleeding to death, with three arrows sticking out of it's rump and gut, is just plain nasty, irrespective of all the hairy lefty emotive language.





I don't want this thread to turn into a treatise on bowhunting, but I did want to address what you said.


Bowhunting is a very effective means of killing animals. If you've never done it or never seen it in person, you may never believe how fast an animal will die when shot with a bow. I've had deer shot with the bow that died faster than deer shot with the rifle. One instance with a rifle, I was stalking a wooded draw on a bluff above the creekbed. A whitetail doe was coming towards me and we got within 20 yards of each other before either noticed. Fortunately, she didn't know what I was and stuck around a second too long. I was able to put a 165gr from the -06 dead square into her chest (in the brisket, out behind the shoulder blade on the opposite side). Despite not having any lungs or heart attached when I cleaned her, she still ran 50 yards and bedded down. She was still head up alert when I got there 5 minutes later and I had to shoot her again. I've had other cases with the rifle where a perfectly hit deer still ran 50-100 yards and took time to expire.


On the contrary, I've shot deer with the bow that have died within a minute. An arrow though the lungs (just behind the shoulder blade) on a relaxed deer will often zip straight through without the deer flinching. You'll think you've missed until the deer tries to take a step and it just falls over dead from internal hemorraging. The only time there is a problem when bow hunting is when the hunter goes beyond his skill limit and tries to take a shot longer than he should or through thicker cover than he should. But, you'll have that situation with that same hunter whether he has a bow or gun in his hands. It is the hunter, not the method, that is the mistake.


Advantages over a gun? Stealth for one. Silencers aren't legal in many places in the US and even where they are legal they aren't used because they are expensive and difficult to get. Much of the deer problem in the US is in very urban areas where the sound of a gun wouldn't be tollerated. In most states there is a safety zone restriction that says how far you must be from houses, buildings, playgrounds, etc when hunting. In urban and suburban areas, it is impossible to find a place where you are outside of all of the safety zones (in PA the gun safety zone is 150 yards) and even if you are legally outside of the safety zones, non hunters don't take kindly to gunshots in the 'back yard'. With a bow, most places the safety zone will be 50 yards and noise isn't an issue. Also, some states or areas of states are bow/shotgun/muzzle loader only because of the safety issues involved (it is debatable whether a shotgun or muzzle loader is more safe than a rifle). So in some places, bow hunting is the only option.




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Many of you are missing the point, the public will never ever except that killing animals using man made high tech weapons be they rifles, shotguns or bow's as anything other than a one sided contest & will never except the killing of animals for "sport" these canned hunts being the worst of all.


The internet means this will not be the last of video's like this & it will be an increasingly hard job to justify any game shooting in the coming years.


Target shooting has a marginaly better argument for its justification but image will be everything in order to ensure shooting prevails in the long term.



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