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As a relative newcomer after many years of absence from shooting, I have lurked on these pages with interest for months. Just thought I'd share the last week or so with you.


Done the rounds of local farmers, plucking up courage to ask for some shooting and had my share of knockbacks. Also had my share of qualified successes and now have a few good fields of wheat/rape/grass to shoot over.


Last week when air pressure dropped below 1000mb and the wind started to blow, I skived off work and spent a few hours on a newly harvested rape field I had been watching. Recon paid off at last, and I started to realise what decoying was all about.


The birds started to come in on bombing raids, and after they showed me what they 'wanted' to see in the pattern, I started to get some in the bag. Only 11 at the end (which should have been 30 or more!) and my first left and right.


A few days later, and armed with a little more knowledge, I ventured forth again, this time a different spot, different decoy lay out and more success - 22 birds (which should have been 50+!)


What sport - buzzards wheeling overhead, heart thumping, birds pouring in then disappearing for an hour. I missed some unbelievably easy shots, made some shots I never thought I could and ended the day once again with my 2nd L&R. Amazing. Sittting here with a beer and cigar and reliving it all, I am hooked. Thanks for all who have contributed to this forum and to my knowledge, perhaps if someone could help me in uploading pics (says file is too large) I can post some of my meagre bag. Hoping for more sport this weekend.


Safe shooting to all.

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Your experiences are really what its all about :lol:.


Keep calling round the Farms regardless of the knockbacks, spend some time just looking, enjoy any success you have, keep learning and never be afraid to change things around.


I look forward to hearing some more of your exploits.

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The only thing that i have been able to do 3 times a week for the last 50 years or so is to go pigeon shooting . Dont worry how many birds you shoot each time you go out .Its opotunitys that count even the missed birds and the birds that fly by to quickly for a shot before you can get your gun up . Welcome to the highly addictive world of pigeon shooting . Harnser .

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Auto - I can only imagine how you count the days til the next leave comes around... :good:


Harnser - I hope I have many years of sport in me yet, how do you manage to fit in three days a week?!


And Ferret Man, that's a very good suggestion, although likely to be treated with scorn. I reckon there's more hope for my little girl though... :good:



Thanks for all your comments - I was brought down to earth with a thump on Sunday - just bagged two birds and the rest laughed as they bypassed the hide! If it was easy everyone would be doing it I suppose...

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I received my first fix in 1989 with ten plastic decoys and dawn till dusk for ten pigeon. Since that day all my thoughts are about shooting, work was how I funded it, also all objects encountered in normal life were analised with the option could it be used for shooting. All journeys were taken on the basis it alloweed me to cover more ground to look for pigeon. It is one of the best drugs for anti depression on the market being out in the country doing it!!! Not on a computer playing at it.


You have now got the bug, enjoy every moment , it will not let you down. If you do have a bad day the next one can only get better. Just remember the good days and copy them.


Good hunting in the future.

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