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Whos right

Mrs Sweepy

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Please can someone settle the argument between little sweepy and myself.

I have the microwave oven which i only use to heat up my porridge in the mornings .

And to warm up sweepys meal when he remembers to come home. :lol:


So when not in use it has been my bread bin for the last 16 years.

Also very handy for hiding the odd doughnut away from preying eyes. :D

Which was fine .

Till yesterday when little sweepy informed me that i was endangering his life.

From all the little micro thingys that were floating around inside it. :lol: B) :good:


So is he right.

Am i really nukeing the Sweepys(Its not plug in) :lol:


Or is little sweepy winding his old mum up.(again) :D




Pretending to be your dad on the phone .Young man really is not funny or clever . :D:yes:

Nor sitting on me when i need the toilet :lol::D:lol:

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Thank you Mr paul.

Its nice in this day and age to find the other human bean. Who thinks and act the same as me.

I have always been mocked for keeping my bread in the microwave.(They not let seen my shoes in the book case).


So that brings me to one question. Mr Paul.

On what side of your famliy do you think the insanity comes from.

personally i blame my mothers side.

I had a nan who thought she was a Duchess. :lol::lol:


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A microwave is a for heating food its not a bread bin get a grip of yourself woman!


My mother once left a dinner in the microwave for my brother as she was going on 2 weeks holiday, she had a habit of doing it. Myself in and the brother spent the next 2 weeks pished and living out of the chipper. I'll never forget the smell out of that microwave after 2weeks with that dinner inside it. It was absolutely terrible. :lol:


Moral of the story,'microwaves are not to be used for food storage' :lol:

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