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ideas for a 19th bday party


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whats all this "save cash, be wise" ****?


Daytime should start with a (light) liquid breakfast combined with bacon/egg/black pud butties, then get your nominated driver to take you all out to the paintball site, where the slight drunkness will make the game much more interesting - your aim might be slightly off, but people are a bit more brave (stupid) and take bigger risks which helps you shoot them.


back home to get changed and get in to town early and start drinking - slowly, its not a race and there's no joy in puking down your shirt, pi55ing all over your shoes and being home by 21:00.....


get booked in for a curry at about 20:00 as this will help with the alcohol - and give you an hour or so to recover before either hitting a club or convincing the ladies in your party that lap dancing clubs are not seedy or degrading, and that they can be fun for both sexes (good luck with this one though)


finish the night £200 lighter, knowing you've had a great time.


sod planning for the future, there's plenty of time for that!

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james, that sounds like a plan.

but without the 200 pound lighter part :yp:

being my party i can try and get away with not spending B) i wish, 18th i spent more then everybody else lol.

i reckon ill prob settle with paintball, it worked well for my 18th


and then move into exeter or newton :)

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I went to London for my and my mates 19th in june we went to fabric and it was the best time of my life we saw boys noize, mode selektor, count and sinden, house meister, D.I.M and a load more DJ's we were aloud on the stage in room 2 and i could touch boys noize i just stood their watchin him do his thing he kept smilin at me and that i was on cloud 9! it was only £13 for the ticket and the drink was expensive their but i was driving and i didnt need anythin to enjoy it a few mates got pilled up but im not into that anymore. There were some proper fit gals their and they are literally grinding up and down on you because there is no space to dance really occasionally u get the odd sweaty middle age bloke grinding on you thinkin he is still young and cool but its all worth it get their when it opens so u miss most of the que and u can literally stay their all night it actually has been rated the best club in the world. Oh yea when we went in it was just getting dark, then when we came out it was light it was sureal! unfortunatly for me i live in leicester and had to drive back while my mates could sleep it off but the roads were clear and i had stocked up on red bull and popped a couple of pro plus, 1 of my mates had work bless him. but yea, even if u dont go for ur bday go any way! www.fabriclondon.com

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When boys have money, they are MEN.

When they have none, they are BOYS again. :yp:











you wont listen will you. dont be asking me for a borrow when inflation hits an all time high. :lol:


I'd rather be a boy out having a good time than a miserable old *** staying in...especially at 19! B)


dont burn your *** on the lightbulb when you climb onto that packed matress tonight, will you :)

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I went to London for my and my mates 19th in june we went to fabric and it was the best time of my life we saw boys noize, mode selektor, count and sinden, house meister, D.I.M and a load more DJ's we were aloud on the stage in room 2 and i could touch boys noize i just stood their watchin him do his thing he kept smilin at me and that i was on cloud 9! it was only £13 for the ticket and the drink was expensive their but i was driving and i didnt need anythin to enjoy it a few mates got pilled up but im not into that anymore. There were some proper fit gals their and they are literally grinding up and down on you because there is no space to dance really occasionally u get the odd sweaty middle age bloke grinding on you thinkin he is still young and cool but its all worth it get their when it opens so u miss most of the que and u can literally stay their all night it actually has been rated the best club in the world. Oh yea when we went in it was just getting dark, then when we came out it was light it was sureal! unfortunatly for me i live in leicester and had to drive back while my mates could sleep it off but the roads were clear and i had stocked up on red bull and popped a couple of pro plus, 1 of my mates had work bless him. but yea, even if u dont go for ur bday go any way! www.fabriclondon.com



Ahhhhh bless

Why do Little boys in sweet shops come in mind .

When i read this post. :)

sounds like you had a great time babes.

Here to many more for you and your mates B) :yp:

xxxxx(feeling really old now)GrandMaster suzy

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i was thinking more of sausage rolls, cheese on sticks, and jelly & ice-cream, pop, pass the parcel, musical bumps and not forgetting that all important party bag at the end of the night :drool:


Never heard it called that before. Well, maybe sausage roll, and possibly cheese on a stick if personal hygiene isn't up to scratch, but no idea about the others.


Oh wait, just got party bag.


:huh::no::drool: :blink: :stupid::hmm:




~shakes head sadly~


you were a deprived kid, weren't you hunny?

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If you are ninteen years old and dont know what to do on your birthday ,then i would surgest a days pigeon shooting or a walk around the tate gallery . Dear god ,take me back ,take me back . When you become a man my son the whole world becomes your urinal . Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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there must be a knock off shop in ur town or village , im sure 20 quid will get you a five minute knee trembler ... :good:


have a good night whatever you get up and dont forget to post up the pics :good:



he he he you obviously have not been out and about in one of Devon's more select rural retreats





In days of old and i was a lot younger i was a DJ working in a local pub for a party and a merry local offered a 'ride in me traktor lovver' to my now wife at the end of the night


we still laugh about it now, and try and stay clear of it :good:

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