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Another nail in the shooter's coffin - Foster shot his wife.


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I offer you all the option of a premeditated/planned murder - as he had alot of petrol just lying around the house!!


A fellow with such a weight on his sholders had a lot of thinking to do and possibly a lot of planning. This could have been a planned chain of events for weeks before the murder thus why it has the militery style some have refered to.


I agree. He will have worked this out over days. It isn't a case of a bloke just flipping and running amok. The only thing that suggests he was at all out of control is the dropping of live rounds about the place, but even then, knowing he was about to commit suicide, he may have been a bit shaky while executing the plan.


As for the comment above about the Inland Revenue - he owed them £800,000. They would be acting very fiercely over that much debt. There are few loan sharks that are as ruthless as the IR.

Edited by Evilv
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I offer you all the option of a premeditated/planned murder - as he had alot of petrol just lying around the house!!


A fellow with such a weight on his sholders had a lot of thinking to do and possibly a lot of planning. This could have been a planned chain of events for weeks before the murder thus why it has the militery style some have refered to.


I agree. He will have worked this out over days. It isn't a case of a bloke just flipping and running amok. The only thing that suggests he was at all out of control is the dropping of live rounds about the place, but even then, knowing he was about to commit suicide, he may have been a bit shaky while executing the plan.


As for the comment above about the Inland Revenue - he owed them £800,000. They would be acting very fiercely over that much debt. There are few loan sharks that are as ruthless as the IR.


Despite common perceptions, the Revenue is actually quite reasonable and easy to deal with under normal circumstances. You do get the odd inspector who can be a little over-zealous about things, although you can easily go over their heads if they are being genuinely unreasonable.


However, if you do owe them money, then yes, the only thing to do is to pay up sharpish. Otherwise things can get rather ugly.




its very different if they know you've asset stripped the company and are attempting to rip them off then they take the gloves off and get nasty.


My money is on the wife refusing to bail him out :stupid:

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well now you all have had a good laugh at this,and made up whats hapenned,leave this to the right people to solve.

spare a thought for the rest of the family and friends

my thoughts exactly what a bunch of toss*** how would you all like it happening to your family members.there have been at least two possibly three innocent people killed and you all joke about it mmmm very sad

would just like to point out that this is aimed at those who jest about the situation .

sorry if i have offended any other member of the forum, whom showed some form of remorse and not made a joke of this topic.

Edited by mtbarrel
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and yes a damn shame for the wife and kid and not forgetting those nice sport cars :hmm:

mmm still very sad for jokes to be made about this subject



i dont see a joke there i do like sport cars i didnt take the micky out of the dead


and if it upsets you that bad then simple dont read it :stupid:

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and yes a damn shame for the wife and kid and not forgetting those nice sport cars :hmm:

mmm still very sad for jokes to be made about this subject



i dont see a joke there i do like sport cars i didnt take the micky out of the dead


and if it upsets you that bad then simple dont read it :stupid:

is that your sad simple pathetic excuse. Dont read it,oh dear you are right there roadkill, i should know better than to read anything a halfwit like you would have to say ,my appologies .

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and yes a damn shame for the wife and kid and not forgetting those nice sport cars :hmm:

mmm still very sad for jokes to be made about this subject



i dont see a joke there i do like sport cars i didnt take the micky out of the dead


and if it upsets you that bad then simple dont read it :stupid:

is that your sad simple pathetic excuse. Dont read it,oh dear you are right there roadkill, i should know better than to read anything a halfwit like you would have to say ,my appologies .


well i wasnt the one that got uptight and had to abuse forum members by calling us a bunch of tossers , so go back to that little hole you crawled from

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well now you all have had a good laugh at this,and made up whats hapenned,leave this to the right people to solve.




In my view, everyone is entitled to wonder about what happened and to speculate if they want to. Are you with the thought police maybe?


spare a thought for the rest of the family and friends


We did. If you'd taken the trouble to read the posts you'd have seen that there are a number of sympathetic comments about the family.


You need to calm down and think about what you are posting. The above make you look impulsive and emotionally volatile. These are not good qualities in a firearms user.



well now you all have had a good laugh at this,and made up whats hapenned,leave this to the right people to solve.

spare a thought for the rest of the family and friends

my thoughts exactly what a bunch of toss*** how would you all like it happening to your family members.there have been at least two possibly three innocent people killed and you all joke about it mmmm very sad


Oh shut up man!


You were on here yesterday making thoroughly unkind remarks and sweeping statements about people with depression when a guy asked for some advice about his rejected shotgun application. I never saw such unhelpful treatment of a guy as you gave. I was tempted to denounce you as an idiot, but thought it rude. Now I am not so sure... Your judgment is certainly highly suspect. The remark that 'you lot all joke about it,' is so far from reality that I fear you should not be allowed out without a carer to look after you.

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well now you all have had a good laugh at this,and made up whats hapenned,leave this to the right people to solve.




In my view, everyone is entitled to wonder about what happened and to speculate if they want to. Are you with the thought police maybe?


spare a thought for the rest of the family and friends


We did. If you'd taken the trouble to read the posts you'd have seen that there are a number of sympathetic comments about the family.


You need to calm down and think about what you are posting. The above make you look impulsive and emotionally volatile. These are not good qualities in a firearms user.



well now you all have had a good laugh at this,and made up whats hapenned,leave this to the right people to solve.

spare a thought for the rest of the family and friends

my thoughts exactly what a bunch of toss*** how would you all like it happening to your family members.there have been at least two possibly three innocent people killed and you all joke about it mmmm very sad


Oh shut up man!


You were on here yesterday making thoroughly unkind remarks and sweeping statements about people with depression when a guy asked for some advice about his rejected shotgun application. I never saw such unhelpful treatment of a guy as you gave. I was tempted to denounce you as an idiot, but thought it rude. Now I am not so sure... Your judgment is certainly highly suspect. The remark that 'you lot all joke about it,' is so far from reality that I fear you should not be allowed out without a carer to look after you.

think you will find that i had sent a private pm to the guy in question offering him any help he should or may need . stick that in you pipe and smoke it

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I agree. It looks rather like they have not read the entire thread properly. A few off-colour comments, but overwhelmingly just speculation about a major news story.




Quite right Robert - even if you have just about confessed to being a 'beastly' tax inspector!



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think you will find that i had sent a private pm to the guy in question offering him any help he should or may need . stick that in you pipe and smoke it


Well I hope it was more constructive than the public reply you sent him in which you told him people like him were every gun club's nightmare!




Every gunclub's nightmare

Edited by Evilv
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In the news today it never said that the gun found at the scene was the one used to shoot the wife! The husband heard the incoming men shooting his dogs in the grounds and tried to defend himself and wife with his only weapon ? His 22 rifle! lol!


Its the type of thing that he has been made an example of, a big example! Daughter will either be found or was kidnapped!

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In the news today it never said that the gun found at the scene was the one used to shoot the wife! The husband heard the incoming men shooting his dogs in the grounds and tried to defend himself and wife with his only weapon ? His 22 rifle! lol!


Its the type of thing that he has been made an example of, a big example! Daughter will either be found or was kidnapped!


Thanks - that was a great laugh.


So the professional hit team that came to make an example of him started off by shooting all his animals outside the house, giving him and his family the chance to phone the cops and come and intervene.....


I don't think so, unless it happened in a plot of a crime comedy show. Sorry totake this scenario of yours as if you meant it. You were obviously joking with us.... Ya had me going there ya rascal.

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think you will find that i had sent a private pm to the guy in question offering him any help he should or may need . stick that in you pipe and smoke it


Well I hope it was more constructive than the public reply you sent him in which you told him people like him were every gun club's nightmare!




Every gunclub's nightmare

and what about it ,how many gun clubs do you know of (apart from the one you go to )let in peole with depression,anxiety,and who are also on medication for these. i think non, if any gun club loans any firearm to a non cert holder who suffers from any form of mental illness, and the person was to do any harm to another person. Then that club would be under a mass amount of scrutiny if not closed and legal proceedings would follow. That was my advice to all on that particular subject. In fact i see now that the usual suspects on this forum are well known for jumping on the band wagon,

but feel free to carry on like little sheep, i however will stick to my own opinions. :stupid:

Edited by mtbarrel
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