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a small victory


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now. heres how the story goes.

My wife is not one of those wifes who screems at the sight of a spider, but she does draw the line at eating something ive shot. no, ill re-phrase that. she wont even TOUCH anything ive shot.

rather that keep going on at her and run the risk of her not wanting me to go out, i let it lie, and always sort my own rabbit stew/pies out for me and my son.

Just had a phone call from her to ask if i can pick some carrots, leeks ect from the supermarket as she wants to make a stew tonight. THEN, she also says that if i get two lots, she will do the rabbit one for me and the boy.

My first thoughts were to whoop down the phone, but i kept calm and had a nice smile to myself. maybe she might even try a bit of what she is cooking. I wont force her, but if she trys it and hates it, fair enough. Im now off to buy the bits, and a big *** bottle of red for myself to enjoy!

ill keep you informed! :P

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Its the first step Martin

I was bought up with shooting both my granddad and father used to shoot.

And spent my early years on the farm that breed pigs and chickens for the food market.

So from the early aged i knew exactly were the food on my table came from.


But then as the teen i move away from it all .And like everyone else got used to the idea that food came ready wraped.

It was not till about four years ago when sweepy got his first permission .

That i had to come face to face again with something that was not prepacked and with instuctions on how best to not over cook it (still not got the hang of that one) :P.


So give her time . your doing the right thing not to push her into it.

I think it helps that your children are involved in it .

You usually find mums will show interest in anything their kids are involved in :yes:



And one day she might even let you have that dog you wanted. :good:


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cheers suzy. i think she might come round. i wont walk in tommorow night with a brace and say "pluck them me dear" :yes:

but its a nice start and has made me feel great :P









as for the dog.............................................................................






ive two cats to "deal" with first :good:

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slip a couple of pieces of rabbit in her casserole wait till she eats it then tell her just get ready tho in case she flips,or get a chicken and mushroom pie carefully take the lid off the pie and swap the chicken for some slow braised rabbit see if she tells the difference.paul

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like i promised, the wife making something with bunnies in!!

cant belive it myself, not till i taste it anyhow :good:




oh yeah, and there was a "few" bits of fur on the legs :P

Edited by martinmoreton
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slip a couple of pieces of rabbit in her casserole wait till she eats it then tell her just get ready tho in case she flips,or get a chicken and mushroom pie carefully take the lid off the pie and swap the chicken for some slow braised rabbit see if she tells the difference.paul


I did this with my girlfriend she wouldnt eat pigeon breast so one day she asked me to make tea. I made pigeon casserole and she liked it. Last weekend she made rabbit stew and ate that no problem. As long as I prepare them for the pot she will cook them now.

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one small step for martin, one giant leap into the pot for bunny...... its a step mate.....

im with pipmoff.... as long as i prepare it and make it look like a plate of meat, she'l cook and eat it....cautiously mind you, she's paranoid of catching any nasties from it...(worms etc...) she'll eat it and reluctantly give it to me lad, but i think her suspicions do stop her from totally enjoying it as i do......she usually say with a lack of enthusiasm, its "..... o.k..." but we all know rabbit and pigeon cooked right is quite a bit more than o.k...... she'll come round...

i hope...

if she's give it a go now, i say go all out mate, put the time in with one of the special recipeis of here...make her a mind changer for tea one night....

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