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Hard mouthed!


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If a dog is hard mouthed can this be corrected?

Can an older dog with bad habits still be trained as a good gundog?

These are a couple of questions i was debating with a friend and our views differed slightly!

i believe hard mouthed dog CAN NOT be corrected/reversed.

older dog can be trained, but with a great deal of difficulty! and maybe a different handler!


what's your views, just through interest?



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Me personally if i took an older dog on, and managed to train it/correct behaviour etc.

it would be for personal pleasure and rough shooting. i don't really do shoots/drives etc,(unless it was free :good: ) so would never take him/her to one.

Would still be interested in how to correct HARD MOUTHED DOG!.



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ok mate hard mouth can be 1 of 2 things its eather a posetion thing or a think coming from a pup were a ball dumpy toy is snatched from the pup one way of stopping this is to give some to retrieve that can not be chomped i was given a lab that could chomp a bird in 3 yds so we got a frozen bird straight out the freezer and throw it out for him to retrieve he ran out and lifted it u could see him try and chomp it then loosen his mouth and now hes in my picking up team and a hell of a dog

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turk101, is the dog you are referring to the GSP (i think?) in your picture? The breed is notoriously bad for being hard mouthed so it could be difficult - although I would be interested to hear how you got on if you tried fallarben's frozen bird trick :good:

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Is the dog one that will retrieve anything and is hard mouthed on everything that it retrieves?


I have a little exercise that seems to work well if it is the case.


Let us know.




Just the man i've been waiting for! :hmm:

How you been NTTF?

anyway back to your response, YES the dog is hard mouthed on all retrieves!

look forward to your excercise, and hope i can make it work! :hmm:



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This one is really simple. Go out and buy a crate of the cheapest soda pop you can find. Use the cans of pop for the retreives. Be sure to shake the cans really well before lobbing.......if you throw them too high or hit sharp rocks they will explode on impact.........out 20 to 30 yards. When the dog goes to pick up and clamps down he will puncture the can and it will spray in his mouth. He very quickly learns to apply less pressure to the can. You can also hold the can in pheasant or pigeon wings using 2 elastic bands.


Only about 6 retrieves per session so that he gets some time to reflect on whats happening. usually takes about 2 weeks to solve.



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This one is really simple. Go out and buy a crate of the cheapest soda pop you can find. Use the cans of pop for the retreives. Be sure to shake the cans really well before lobbing.......if you throw them too high or hit sharp rocks they will explode on impact.........out 20 to 30 yards. When the dog goes to pick up and clamps down he will puncture the can and it will spray in his mouth. He very quickly learns to apply less pressure to the can. You can also hold the can in pheasant or pigeon wings using 2 elastic bands.


Only about 6 retrieves per session so that he gets some time to reflect on whats happening. usually takes about 2 weeks to solve.





Honeslty Dan....................... you never cease to amaze me.....



I would never have thought of that in a million years..................spot on :look: :):yes:

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This one is really simple. Go out and buy a crate of the cheapest soda pop you can find. Use the cans of pop for the retreives. Be sure to shake the cans really well before lobbing.......if you throw them too high or hit sharp rocks they will explode on impact.........out 20 to 30 yards. When the dog goes to pick up and clamps down he will puncture the can and it will spray in his mouth. He very quickly learns to apply less pressure to the can. You can also hold the can in pheasant or pigeon wings using 2 elastic bands.


Only about 6 retrieves per session so that he gets some time to reflect on whats happening. usually takes about 2 weeks to solve.




Cheers NTTF, i will definately try that, but something tells me he will enjoy it!!!!! :look:

he is one greedy dog and will probably spend the time drinking it.

what do i do to correct him if he does?


thanks again NTTF i will let you know what happens!



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Hi there Turk,

Just wondering if u gave NTTF suggestion a try and if so, how d'u get on? Have a feeling my GSP would enjoy also!!! Had him out today rough shooting, flushed a pheasant but stopped him retrieving it which was a good thing cos let him retrieve a pigeon i shot after, and little *** picked it up and wasn't chomping on it, just must have bit down once cos brought it to me with guts hanging out. So bloody frustrating. Do think if i had shot a few, after the first or second, he would have been softer. Tis difficult as ain't getting out enough to get him softer. Gosh, GSP's are hard work, definitly more grey hairs since getting him!!! :yes:

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