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Guns safe stolen !!!!


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its all a matter of determination. i got my cabinate out of my old car( 3 series bmw. cabinate on front seat)

up three stairs into the kitchen , then up two flights of stair to its final resting place.


this was bought from somone off this site and was a extra deep 7 riffle plus 2 broke down cabinate.


i then got it up two flight of stairs to its final resting place.( hard work but do,-a-able)

8 bolt to the wall 4 in the floor all with fixing agent in holes. then sealent inbetween the gap cabinate to wall/ cabinate to floor, before the final crack up on the bolts. then as a finising touch beading round the gap.


i don't think there is much more you cando without blowing cost silly


if these scum are as determined to steal the guns as i am to protect them, then anything is possible.


but as said nothing will stop a determined scum bag just slow them down.

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Lets be real now, I really doubt that a saw would cut through a gun cabinet. Theres a reason there "Police Approved".


Arent they made from toughened metal ? Thats what I heard :look: (My apologies if im wrong :yp: )

There supposed to be toughened so you cant just crack them open easily lol!


I myself have gone around all the edges of my Cabinet with sealant to fill the space between the wall and cabinet, nothings getting behind it lol!




Best one I have heard in ages. Keep them coming :lol:

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I wonder if their tickets get revoked - or their allocation gets reduced or whatever. Not saying they should, just thinking of how it'll get dressed up and if the owner gets into strife.


they'll be fine, they've adhered to the conditions on their ticket the police may request extra security but its a very rare event. Safes just stop the opportunist thief there is little you can do if someone comes for your guns with the right tools. To the average thief shotguns aren't that attractive for crime as they are too cumbersome. As for rifles well unless you're out to do a hit on someone they aren't much use. More may come out of this story you never know he may have kept valuables in there as well as guns or something similar but generally your average cabinet is not worth much to a thief the guns in them don't have much of a black market value

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If you are talking about sealing the gap between the cabinet and a plastered wall then it is a waste of time as far as security is concerned. It would only take a few seconds to knock away an area of plaster big enough to get a wrecking bar in between the cabinet and brick wall.


If its drylined (plasterboarded) then it's even easier.



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My dad had his safe made for him by an old next door neibour whos job was a safe maker. its best part of 40years old and built like a tank but one day the key broke in the lock and he had to get in some how. I wont say how as it will pobobly apply to many other safes, but one call to the guy that made the safe and sub 10 mins was and my dad was into the safe, only tools needed were a cordless drill a punch and lump hammer !


The only way this wouldnt work is if your safe is against a wall on the non hinged side ! as a clue.

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Before everyone goes off half cocked (good shooting expression that) about firearms and gun cabinets being targetted by crims LOOK at the report. Not that you can believe what you read in the newspapers but firstly the raid took place in Ethics a county not unknown for bad (read criminal) behaviour, and according to the report a 'substantial' amount of cash was taken along with (if the measurements are correct) a LARGE gun safe. Based on some of the info it could just be that this was no ordinary robbery and the targets are no ordinary people :hmm: I think you guys can sleep soundly in your beds that no one is targetting your firearms unless of course...yours is no ordinary family :hmm:

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