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Christmas present


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Christmas just round the corner, what shooting equipment/gizmo's will you be asking santa and your loved ones for?


I'll start it off, my two little girls always put £10 each toward a present for me and the same for the wife; They usually ask the wife what I would want and she in turn asks me (shhhh, keep that a secret, I ain't supposed to know).


So for my £20 present from my girls I'm gonna ask for a Jack Pyke Duotex cartridge bag. I aint decided what I'm gonna ask the missus for yet....but it may have nothing to do with shooting :yes:


Come on guys, lets see the wish list.....

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Santa (early I know but so he could get organised this time rather than late like last year :good: ) asked me what I wanted and I relpyed grubbs stalker boots, I was then asked how much, and I said 65quid and I was told to **** off. :yp:



so not much :yes::lol:

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Santa (early I know but so he could get organised this time rather than late like last year :lol: ) asked me what I wanted and I relpyed grubbs stalker boots, I was then asked how much, and I said 65quid and I was told to **** off. :yes:



so not much :yes::lol:


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh well, you can only ask :good:


I'm not much of a gadgets and gizmos shooter, so I'll ask for one of Worsley's special clay shooting days out on Boxing Day or around there (can't remember which day it's on) :yp: 120 bird sporting competition, food and a couple of team flushes. Good laaaarf, if I can convince enough of the boys to go :P


It's not something I'd normally pay for, being a tightarse, but makes a nice Christmas present :lol:

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