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2nd day on the crows


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How do you dispose of your crows? Its just a couple of my permissions have plenty, and i think i could have a really good day.


The only thing that puts me off is what i am going to do with them.


Really good pigeon days aren't a problem as i have a local gamedealer who always has them


Cheers Mike

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Hi Mike


I keep the last 10 shot and put them in the freezer in the garage to be used as decoys on my next outing (Pigeons and crows are all that goes in that freezer). The remaining birds I put in a doubled up bin bag and take them down my local land fill site. I do explain that they are dead crows, it's not a problem.

I don't however throw them into the bushes on my permissions, I think the farmers would get a Wendy on if they came across them.


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The only difference I can see is I don't use any patterns (Horseshoe etc) when using my dead birds and flocked decoy crows, I just scatter them willy nilly. I do though put a camo roof on my hide, just a cheapo net from Ebay, I stay well hidden until they commit to the decoy's.

Hope this helps.


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I do alot of rook and crow shooting for farmers - 1037 so far this year, and I still adopt a rough horse shoe pattern so the crows do not feel too bunched up. Also I have learnt that corvids do not like being decoyed into the corner of a field. it limits there escape routes so are more wary, better to decoy them to the side somewhere. Another tip is, like said above, to put a roof on your hide. A crow or rook will circle up high if he expects danger and will look right into your hide if your not careful. A face mask I find helps too as they are crafty. Another useful tip is to position your hide about half a gunshot from a tree. Often,a corvid will pitch into a tree before coming inot the decoys and provides an easy sitting shot. Remember, crow and rook shooting is just as much pest control as it is sport. Hope these tips help!

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Hi Mike


I keep the last 10 shot and put them in the freezer in the garage to be used as decoys on my next outing (Pigeons and crows are all that goes in that freezer). The remaining birds I put in a doubled up bin bag and take them down my local land fill site. I do explain that they are dead crows, it's not a problem.

I don't however throw them into the bushes on my permissions, I think the farmers would get a Wendy on if they came across them.



Nice one Jake.


I shall definatley be giving it a go over the next couple of weeks, I have a local Tip on my doorstep, but was worried about getting hassle.

You know what it is, I just dont want to get lumbered with a shed load, and not know what to do with them. Im looking forward to a good days sport

with the old crows. Thanks again Jake all the best Mike

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