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Mrs sweepys bush

Mrs Sweepy

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Ok its not Suzys bush.

But it got you looking didnt it :look:

This is what i have been up to today with Little Little Sweepy.

The local youth club Has been offered the grant on the basis that they plant over Two thousand trees &hedges around the village.

And today was the first of four weekends of us Mums,Dads and children volunterring to do the dirty deed.

I would like to point out that is was mostly the mums+dads who ended up doing the job . While are little darlings stood around complaining about the cold and being hungry :good:

But us you can see we have got off to a pretty good start.


I must admit that when i first volunteer for the job i was not looking forward to it at all .

But by the end off the day i had meet up with people i would normally not say a word too.

Its amazing how sticking a few sticks in the ground can suddenly get you talking and laughing with someone you would most probably passed many times in the street and not even made eye contact.

Anyway i sit here now covered in cuts and my body is now starting to tell me am not as young as i used to be.

But that dont matter one bit . It cant take away that nice warm feeling that you have done something good for your village.And its also nice to know that everytime i take the dogs for the walk i am going to pass my handywork.

And you never know one day i might even be able to say to my Grandchildren .

You see those trees over their .You nanna &Father planted them.

Right am off now i have a much wanted date with a very hot bath. :look:



P.S We also had coffee &Teacakes bought to us from the local Tearooms.

Which is the soul reason why at 10am next sunday i shell be standing in the middle of nowhere again armed with spade. :good:

Dont you just love freebies. :look:

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Well done to you all . Better planting hedges than grubbing them up . Some thing for the future . Its ironic sometimes ,several years ago i was amazed to see a wonderful mature hedge row grubbed up to make better access to a field only to recently see it being replanted . Harnser .

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Well done Mrs Sweepy. I'm sure that you will see the benefit in the years to come.


In 1973 I was in the scouts, under the slogan of "plant a tree in 73" we planted thousands of trees down one side of a valley on a scout camp. The following year under the slogan "plant some more in 74", we planted the other side.


I never did go back to see how the trees worked out, so that's another item on my to do list.



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O,yes we had lots of Blackthorn.

And as its on sammy,s and my walk i shell be watching the hedgerow with eager eyes. :lol:


I was in charge of the Dogrose & Hawthorn.

Would you like to see my scars. :D


I must admit it did cross my mind as i was on my hands and knees (By the end of the day i was crawling around on the floor like the baby. :good: I have no shame)

How many winters would are hard work be standing their. Before the Farmer paid again to take it down. :lol:



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