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Maize stubbles.


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Is anyone else seeing an increase in the amount of maize being grown ?


I was driving past an old permission today, back near where I use to live and saw quite a few fields of maize.

One had been flattened and was covered in pigeons.

I got home and rang the Farmer and he said he is growing it for cattle feed and will be flattening another field on Monday.


Although its an 80 mile round trip I still have permission there and so I will be visiting it on Tuesday and see what is about.

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Theres a big maize field just outside a nearby village which is for shooting-much to the annoyance of the RSPB who own a nature reserve near it! :lol:


But yes,i see it fairly often in the more rural parts round here,but it tends to be grown in smaller patches.It always has the blue plastic feeding hoppers dotted around too.

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a farmer in the next village grows about 200 acres of maize for cattle feed but the stubbles are never left very long before being ploughed in and re drilled, and the land is rented to a big pheasant shoot so no chance, about 5 years ago a 40acre barley field never got harvested on this farm and the keeper shot several hundred pigeons each week right through the winter, never happens on my permissions!!!



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On one of my permissions, the farmer grows massive amounts of maize as cattle feed.


I was out today looking at some of these fields, and not one pigeon settled on any of the fields, and thinking back, I can't ever remember pigeon in any numbers at all feeding on maize stubble. :good:


Is this because in this area, large amounts of maize are grown and the pigeon are not interested? :good:


Perhaps in an area where it's a novelty, the pigeon give it a go? :angry:


I wish they would in this area. LOL :good:

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