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.22 Hornet vs .17HMR


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Looking at getting rid of my .22lr Sako Quad barrel as I use it very little favouring the .17HMR (let me know if your interested - its only had 50 rounds through it from new + is screwcut for mod).


My question is to those who own both .17HMR & .22 Hornet.


What would you suggest is the difference in sound signature of the two calibres - both with same mod ie SAK etc (is the .22 hornet quieter or louder).


Also what is the trajectory of a .22 Hornet like in comparison with a .17HMR. I am pretty sure the .22 has more energy at muzzle and down range but what about the inherent richochet issues that the .22 lr suffers from - does this affect .22 hornet as well or does the much higher velocity of the round counteract this problem.



Basically its either stick with .22lr and get a semi auto (like for like) - or a (£26) variation for or a .22 Hornet or a .222 (or maybe even both if I find some extra funds) to allow fox control (I know some will say I can use the .17HMR for fox but I would prefer to keep with the recomendations with regards to quarry of fox size.)

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Well the 22 Hornet I think would be louder than the 17 HMR round considering its a centerfire round mate.

I dont think you can get a 22 Hornet barrrel for a Sako Quad if that is what you were planning. Although if its not my apologies lol! :good:


Check with your force if your allowed to use 17 HMR for fox ? You say you want to stick with the recommendations ?

My local force granted me the 17 HMR with the condition of fox shooting :good:

I can see th Hornet being alot more expensive to run than the HMR. Although if you want a really good fox rifle dont just look at the hornet. Theres alot of good small centrefire rounds that you could possibly use for deer aswell if you ever want to try that in the future. A 223 Remington, 22-250 or 243 are all good calibres ;)

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Being local to you.. can I suggest that you scrub 22 hornet and 222 - you will find it hard to obtain a regular supply of rounds in those cartridges.


Why not go for something a little more popular in these parts.. say a .223 or a 22-250 ?


Personaly I'm not on the HMR bandwagon, as I prefer my cheap shooting quiet .22lr for vermin shooting :good: and use my .223 as a sole fox / small deer rifle.

Edited by garyb
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Cheers for the info.


I'll elaborate on the reasons for the original question:-


The reason I mentioned .22 Hornet is that my FAC states .22 calibre, instead of the usual .22RF and when I asked my FEO about the hornet calibre he said I could go for it without having to get a variation (well without having to pay anything at least).


With regard to .223 - I agree this would be an ideal calibre - but of the two permissions I have only one is land checked and cleared for up to .243 the other, which is curently my main, permission is only cleared up to .222. As such I wanted a calibre that I could use at both (thus the .222).

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I think that you will find that in the eyes of the law a .223 is the same as 0.222.







I mentioned this to Nick too NSS :good:


Get on the phone to Welwyn tomorrow ;)



Cheers Guys.


There's no one in (FEO wise) at the licencsing office at the mo - they're all having extended Xmas's it would seem. I'll see what they say when they get back. A .223 would be the ideal all round.


Thanks again for the info..

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You can't use a SAK on a Hornet it would be dangerous to say the least, T4AR is ideal.


Noise wise when Moderated there is very little in it, I have owned both.


Hornet is a better round if you reload because it is hard to find and expensive when you find it plus with the limited range of Factory available you can fine tune your Homeloads to shoot better than Factory with a wider choice of bullets. Hornet is probably a 150 - 175 yard Fox Cartridge, the 222 will give a little more range and is the more inherently accurate calibre.

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i own both calibres-.17 HMR + .22 Hornet, the sound signature of the Hornet is a lot louder than an HMR :good:

you can,t use a SAK moddy on a Hornet ( SAk is for rimfire only), you will need a c/f moddy ( i use a T8)

the HMR is great out to 175 yrds but not much more, i recently shot a few bunnies with the Hornet and my mates words were--you,ve liquified the insides of them !!it did a lot of meat damage at 150 yards !!!!

if you were closer you could have tried them both out


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You can't use a SAK on a Hornet it would be dangerous to say the least, T4AR is ideal.


Noise wise when Moderated there is very little in it, I have owned both.


Hornet is a better round if you reload because it is hard to find and expensive when you find it plus with the limited range of Factory available you can fine tune your Homeloads to shoot better than Factory with a wider choice of bullets. Hornet is probably a 150 - 175 yard Fox Cartridge, the 222 will give a little more range and is the more inherently accurate calibre.



i own both calibres-.17 HMR + .22 Hornet, the sound signature of the Hornet is a lot louder than an HMR :good:

you can,t use a SAK moddy on a Hornet ( SAk is for rimfire only), you will need a c/f moddy ( i use a T8)

the HMR is great out to 175 yrds but not much more, i recently shot a few bunnies with the Hornet and my mates words were--you,ve liquified the insides of them !!it did a lot of meat damage at 150 yards !!!!

if you were closer you could have tried them both out



Cheers for the info guys - you have answered my original question. Ironically as you may see from the above it would appear I may be able to go for a variation and get a .223 (we'll see - fingers x'ed). Re the Mod - I wasn't sure to tel the truth but you have both answered that question as well.


Thanks again and rec-baller thanks for the offer of trying them - by the way I'm originally from Southport (which 'was', as I'm sure you know, originally part of Lancashire - hope alls well up north for you guys)

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