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To do it properly, and to stop damaging the screws you needs Turnscrews or at least hollow ground screwdrivers.

Those that end with a taper can lever out of tight screws and either wreck the screw or damage whatever is next to it when you slip.


This sort of thing is best, but it depends what you are doing, if you just need the stock off an O/U for instance then anything will do.



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It might be worth mentioning that a good gunsmith will have a large selection of turnscrews and he will try a number of them until he finds the perfect fit. If he does`nt have one that fits precisely he will grind one to fit.


Don`t assume that, since the turnscrews are of good quality, that they will automatically fit the slot perfectly.



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It is also worth noting that most of the slot drivers that come in the sets for electric screwdrivers are hollow ground.


Whilst not sugesting the use of an electric drive on guns, a wide range of bits of varying widths and thicknesses can be found that are ideal if the corners are ground or "stoned" off.


This, however does not account for the "snob" value of traditional turnscrews. :yes:



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