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On the way back from the shops........


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Just popped down to the shops, on the way back I took a different route and guess who I meet coming up the pavement towards me?




















Must admit I was a bit surprised, he saw me and turned right through an open warehouse door. I watched him walk past a van parked up inside and go to the rear of the building to what I presume was an open doorway. Not being able to follow him through the building I nipped round the back to see him sat on some rocks next to a quayside. He let me get real close again before he slipped away. The funny thing is (apart from seeing an Otter in the street!) is that there was no rear door to the warehouse, so it either went along some kind of underground culvert linking the building to the quayside, or it was a second Otter.





Okay I must admit I am currently in some small coastal town in Norway but even so...an Otter in the street...

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This reminded me of one morning walking to the office from the car park. I was in a particularly bad mood with a certain woman, and was thinking to myself quite angrily, that if she met me she'd better DUCK! A second later I walk around the corner and there's a man carrying a live goose.


This is at 8.20 a.m. in the middle of Birmingham City Centre on a Wednesday morning.


Life is bizarre sometimes :lol:



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Still stuck onshore as the weather is too bad to go out to the rig. Had another walk through town today, looked up and there is a white tailed sea eagle soaring on the wind, pretty big birds! Been to the woods but no elk to be seen, too many walkers like myself I guess.

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