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A couple of years ago i visited a rabbit forum for advice on a couple of rabbits i got for my daughter, the site was called ******* ******. I found it by searching google. Little did i know the place was infested with nut jobs and extremists. I went on there started voicing my opinion and very moderate opinions at that and these female fruit loops totally went off on one. At the time i ran a girls football team and i was called a pedophile, even tho my daughter was in the team. How sick is that :sly:



I run my own forums, nothing fancy, a few members and a few of them decided to sign up to this rabbit forum to see what was going on, they broke no rules and got banned for just knowing me :D


Well then hordes of them came over to my forums and the rest is legendary, the mother of all forum wars. You just got to mention my name over there and they flip out. Even the site owner accused me of having about 8 nick names and calling her everything under the sun, that's not my style tho.


I am banned but still have a user name to access the joint, not seen whats gone on, but heard about it over at mine, so i think i will pop over and have a look. That's if they have not deleted everything.

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Those people are what I personally call: FemiNazis. Very dangerous, irrational creatures, be careful not to try to argue with them since they make no sense going on about equality when they want nothing of the sort. I heard their leader is Harriet Harman.

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I run the forum in my sig. It used to be called consumer world and before that dusty's world. I also use thinkBroadband a lot


I went on there about 2 to 3 years ago and got a lot of grief from those feminazi as Koz eloquently put it. Basically they did not like a male daring to have an opinion and they just went ape, me being me i gave as good as i get and got them all in a tizz.It was very entertaining. I think in our members section if you do a search you will see me going hammer and tong with a lot of them that came over to my place to give me hassle.

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If you stumble upon a Forum that has opposite views to yours, why not leave it alone ?

If they are not interfering with you, why interfere with them ?


"Forum Wars" may excite those with little else of interest in their lives, but they are a pain to Forum Owners, Administrators and the grown up members of the Forums.


Well then hordes of them came over to my forums and the rest is legendary, the mother of all forum wars.


I am not sure about "legendary", I can almost guarantee that 99.9% of the people reading this thread have never heard of it, or the Forums you are referring to.

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I am here because all that nonsense has apparently happened with your members and there's doing exactly that. You had your own forum wars by all accounts and i am here because i heard about it.


EDIT, It was legendary to mine and there members :D


Its easy to be flippant Cranfield, and say forum wars only interest people with nothing in there lives. How do you know that then? The same could be said of shooting or loving a little bunny rabbit. If you do that its because you have nothing else in your life, we know tho that would be nonsense to say such a thing :sly:

Edited by DustyJoe
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OOps you did a boo boo there, or not ? :sly:


No i have not come to the wrong place, i would like to find out about shooting, how do i get my shotgun licence and learn to shoot. I live in the New Forest area and think this would be a great hobby to get in too.

Edited by DustyJoe
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Dusty Joe ,

If you are genuinely interested in learning how to shoot and to obtain a s.g.c. then you have come to the right forum .There is a host of information on this site and some very knowledgable field sportsman who will halp you with any questions that you might have ,just ask .

As for the forum war that you have been involved in i personally am not interested and dont want to be reading about it on this site .

Best wishes , Harnser .

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TBH i am not interested in shooting, but thought there might be some like minded happy go lucky sorts on here, i think i may be wrong. Anyways i will leave you to it as Cranehead or what ever the moderators name tells me via PM that i got the wrong forum and no one from here has gone there etc. Anyways if you want a bit more that shooting your all welcome to join my forum. Alas what i can gather i will be banned very soon.


Edit i will stick around and keep with in the rules and post in the off topic section. If that's ok with the moderators ?

Edited by DustyJoe
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OOps you did a boo boo there, or not ? :sly:


No i have not come to the wrong place, i would like to find out about shooting, how do i get my shotgun licence and learn to shoot. I live in the New Forest area and think this would be a great hobby to get in too.



TBH i am not interested in shooting

What a spangle :D

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